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He walked into my room quietly and was gently caressing my hair, he left rather quickly after I moved my head

About an hour later he came back, but he didn't say or do anything, he just opened my door and then he shut it, locked it and I'm guess he left

-the next morning-

I woke up. I don't clearly know why. I heard the a door from outside my room close. I look at the clock : 6:43 . Pretty early for me to wake up. I heard someone walking towards the door. My first thought that came to my mind was to pretend I was asleep. I did. Jerome must've been the person because when the door unlocked I heard a low chuckle and opened my eyes ever so slightly and saw a glimpse of red hair. Jerome came and sat at the foot of my bed holding something in his hands. It looked like he was trying to put it together with tape. Must've been a picture of someone important to him. I decided to act like he woke me up.
"Jerome?" I asked as sleepily as I could.
He quickly looked back,"Hey Gorgeous sorry if I woke you up" he said with a grin.
"You should see who's on the news", he laughed, "you might know him".

Heyy! Sorry about this being crappy and stuffz.... but I love you guys Jerome loves you guys and I'll write another chapter tomorrow!! Love ya byye❤️❤️

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