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Loveyys, I just got back from Chicago and I saw Hamilton!


I took me a while to calm down
Once I did I was bored and to keep my mind off of blowing another fuse and become
even more upset I looked for something to do and found some old 1960 magazines

I was finally completely calm when I heard a knock and the door open

"Hey gorgeous, hope you didn't miss me too much"

What's there to miss

I hated the way he was looking at me, it's the same way Aaron used to look at me.

"I'm taking you to go get a coffee, be ready in 15 minutes"

Who's mans is this wtf
This man is truly gone

"I- ok"
There's no use in fighting anymore

I was ready to leave and so that's what we did
I saw that cop a little bit ago
He's following us
I think he saw Jerome
I hope he gets arrested

I know Jerome noticed a little bit ago
He grabbed my waist and pulled me into a heavily populated alley
The police man was too slow
"Aww poor Jimbo thought he could catch me"

"What?" I tried to sound clueless but my voice still quivered
"Nothing, just thinkin'~,... speaking of thoughts have you ever thought of having children" Jerome questioned flirtatiously
That set me off, I started blushing like crazy and stuttering "uhm- I -uh suppose s-so,

Jerome laughed, not his sinister one but a nice one . "Just messin' with ya sweet cheeks~" Jerome giggled wiping away a fake tear.

"It wasn't funny" I mumbled under my breathe but Jerome still heard
"It kinda sorta was hilarious-" he paused and kissed my nose, " but cute, anyways we're here" he pointed at the cafe ahead of us.

I hate him

I think

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