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Hey loveyys!! I've been inactive I'm sorry!! A lot happens I saw Katy Perry in concert and went to Disney world! But I hope you enjoy this, btw I'm thinking about starting a gif series story!
I'm sorry if this is short I tried!!

Someone knocked on my door so I did what any one does , ask who it was.
The voice out side said "It's Barbara"

iT's bArBaRa bitch I don't know you

"uhm, ok" I answered while wiping my tears and drying my now tear stained cheeks.

"Hey hun, are you ok?" Barbara asked while opening the door

Ok just come on in I guess

"peachy?" I forced a smile
"I heard you crying sweetie" She stated kindly
"Oh?" I looked at her, "can I tell you something? You can't tell Jerome, he might hurt me.".
"Sure sweetie, what is it?" She questioned
"I miss Aaron." I answered tears quietly slipping out of my eyes
She just hugged me
"I know" she said

"But do you want to know something?" She said smiling at me

"Jerome loves you so so so much, he never shuts up about you" she laughed a little while saying the last part.

That doesn't help

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