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I'm not dead 💀 wish I was school sucks. We already got past 750 reads so face reveal will be tomorrow!! I missed You loveyys 😍
^face reveal isn't there anymore

I could feel him staring at me
Why won't he stop

I kept looking around to try to ignore it

I kept glancing back at him to see if he was still staring
He was every time

It got too awkward
I can't take it anymore

"So Jerome, you just going to keep staring at me or what?" I was surprised by my own boldness.
I looked up ever so slightly to see Jerome staring at me with a face red enough to compete with his hair.
"I just might" He stated flirtatiously with that infamous smirk of his.
My eyes shot down to my hands

"How do you find ways to get to me so easily?" He questioned while staring right into my eyes

"I-I don't know?"

He tilted his head to the side and rested his head on his fist

He suddenly stood up and came to the other side of the table
"What are you doi-"
He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and yanked me up
"I think I love you" he sounded angry
He pulled me into him and kissed me
"Now you do it" he said firmly
"Do what?"
"Kiss me"
I don't want to
Don't make me
He grabbed my arm and started to squeeze
"Do it (y/n)"
I kissed him quickly

Once we left the he wouldn't let go of my hand
Any time a guy walked past us his grip would get tighter
It hurts

Once we got back I was in my room, on my bed, thinking about what happened at the cafe.

Aaron forgive me
He made me do it
I didn't want to
I swear

I didn't realize I was crying until I heard a knock on my door and went to make myself look presentable

Hi Gorgeous| Jerome Valeska x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now