Chapter 5

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Tommy and I walked confidently through the school halls as everybody stared at us. We had just gotten back from our 3 day suspension for having alcohol in class. We were now labelled the rebellious kids.
Previously we were known as the weird kids with rockstar parents.. it wasn't a specific group but we were still outcasts.
As soon as we got into tutor my tutor glared at my outfit.. shorts weren't exactly approved in the dress code. Despite my obvious disregard for the rules, the demon subsided his cruel comments and instead turned his scowl into a smile. I looked at Tommy with a confused look prominent on my face, in response he just shrugged and carried on checking texts.

The end of the school day arrived and I headed home.. alone. Tommy stayed behind to talk to his friend Chelsea. When I got home I went straight to my bedroom. Tommy had hardly spoken to me all day, he went to the library at lunch and left me all alone and then he rarely spoke to me in lessons, now he's not walking home with me and is staying behind to talk to Chelsea.
"You okay Zoë?" Neve asked.
"Not really." I sighed, putting my head in my hands.
"Why? What's happened?" She walked over to my bed and sat next to me. I broke down in tears and expressed my feelings about the current state mine and Tommy's relationship was in. Neve made us both hot chocolate and we played sims on my new laptop until the wee hours of the morning.

The next day arrived and I texted Thomas to see if he was coming to school with me.
'Sorry no Chelsea is driving me in.' His text back read. I locked my phone in frustration and threw into my bag. What is his problem?
When I got into tutor he was sat staring at his phone, probably waiting for a text from his new bestie Chelsea. I stomped over to him and slammed the birthday necklace onto his desk and walked off.

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