Chapter 10

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The 4 of us were sat down for lunch about a week later. I dressed nicely specifically so my mum wouldn't be annoyed at me for my outfit and would therefore be calmer when I told her the normally amazing news.
"I think I'll have the spicy chicken wrap. What are you having Zoë?" My mum asked me calmly. She was in a good mood so this was a good time to tell her plus we were in public so she couldn't make a scene.
"We need to talk to you." I sighed.
"What's happened?" Jenna asked worriedly.
"Mum please don't get mad." Tommy begged.
"What did you do Thomas?" Jenna said through gritted teeth.
"Mum I'm so sorry. I know I'm really stupid and immature and you have every right to punish me but I can't get rid of it, please don't make me get rid of it." I pleaded.
"Wait Zoë are you pregnant?" She questioned. I bit my lip and nodded shamefully.
"Thomas Joshua Joseph how dare you ruin this young girls entire life like that. Any future she had has been ruined by you." Jenna started ranting at Tommy. My mum sat silently clearly having lost her appetite.
"No Jenna it wasn't his fault. If we were both mature enough to have sex in the first place we should have been mature enough to use protection. It was a joint effort, I am just as much to blame. I ruined my own future by not thinking."
"I'm really sorry Andi but we're going to go home. I'm going to have a serious conversation with Thomas and we are going to call his father." Jenna said placing her hand on my mums apologetically.
After Jenna and Tommy had left my mum looked at me and smiled. She continued to look at the menu and was clearly holding back tears.
"So Zoë what are you going to have?"
"Uh probably the chicken salad."
The lunch was very awkward for me because I didn't know if I was in trouble and she was just storing all her anger until we got home or if she genuinely didn't care I had just thrown my whole life away.

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