elijah finds out...

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So me and elijah are living together with our two children and im about 7 months pregnant with klaus's son and i tell elijah to watch the kids and im going out, so i head out and get about 3 blocks from my house and i smell blood so i go find the smell and its a person who got hurt badly and i compell them to be silent and drink their blood and head back to my car and drive to see klaus and kol is there and he sees me and asks how i am and i tell him not so great and he says why and i tell him that i just had elijah's second child and am currently pregnant by another man and bc of what i am,i still have feelings for past lovers and im engaged to elijah and dont know what to do, klaus comes outside and sees me crying and thinks kol did something and i told him no he didnt and so he asked whats wrong and i told him what i just told kol and he asked who i still had feelings for and i couldnt say right now.... So he calmed me down and told me elijah keeps calling my phone and so i go to leave and get into my car and klaus leans down and tells me that he knows he's the one i have feelings for and says for me to think who i want to be with and he kisses me. I go home and elijah is putting the kids to bed and asks me whats wrong and i tell him that i found out that with my condition, i have feelings for past lovers and its making me upset bc i love him and am engaged to him but part of me is wanting to see what these feelings mean... Elijah said that he loves me and whatever decision i make he will be okay with it even if we are not together... I said dont even say that, i love you and want to spend the rest of our lives together... So we go lay down and talk about this baby i am pregnant with and i sense xena awake and go check on her when she grabs me and i start to desicate and yell for elijah and he comes in just as im falling and next thing i know im in labor so elijah rushes me to the hospital while kol watches the kids and i ask elijah to get klaus and he was like why and i said i want him here too... So klaus shows up just as im about to give birth and he ends up telling elijah that he's the father of this baby so thats why i wanted him here and elijah storms off and my son is born and so i let klaus hold him and elijah comes back and tells me he's sorry for leaving like that he just needed to cool down... I said its ok and im sorry too... So klaus hands me our son back and asks what his name is ... I think and decide to name my son nicklaus joseph mikaelson... And so they let me go home and put the baby to rest and check on the other two and see them playing with their uncle kol....

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