What is she??

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Elijah's POV

So we all know bella is pregnant but we don't know whose child it is, if its Tyler's than its half werewolf half human but what if its mine, I don't know how its possible bc of how vampires can't procreate... I walk into the study and see klaus reading a book,
What are you reading klaus?
K: just this book about our history and there's this part in here that I never noticed before,
E: well what does it say!!

K: it says that back when we was turned there was a creature also created that in time would either end us or rule us and its half werewolf, half vampire and either half witch or warlock but doesn't say what and this creature is like us and can't die by being staked
E: do u think it could possibly be Bella, if it is then that could possibly be how it can be mine....
K: idk

Bella's POV
So I hear klaus and Elijah talking and they found the book an they think its possibly me.... i calculated and it seems like this child is Elijah's but I won't tell them yet...
So Elijah gives me my new phone and I send out a bunch of texts to all my friends and they didn't know the number so I told them all if they want to figure out who it was that texted them to meet me at the grill at 7pm...

Around 6pm
I start to leave to go down to the grill and Elijah is going with me so I put my hood on and we go there and sit and wait and not long Stefan and Damon and the others show up and see Elijah with someone and they come see who he mysterious person is...

Damon's POV
As we walk into the grill there's a smell thats familiar and I can't tell who it is, I see Elijah here, maybe he's the one who texted us all to meet here but wait whose that with him, that's where that smell is from...
So Elijah are you gonna introduce us to ur new friend...
E: well its not really an introduction bc u guys already know this person..
D: who the hell is it than
B: Its me Bella,
D: wait how in the hell are u alive and where have u been

Bella's POV
First off miss u too jerk, second I may have had vampire blood in my system when I died and since I knew I couldn't go to my house and I didn't know how u guys would react to me being back after burying me I went to Elijah's home...

Everyone came and hugged me but when Bonnie touched me it gave me a weird feeling, so everyone was talking and Elijah said he was going back to the house to talk to klaus about something and I knew it was about that book..
Stefan asked how I was dealing with the blood cravings and I said its difficult bc of my situation and they all looked at me weird so I had to tell them...
C: how is it difficult,
B: well here's the thing, number 1 I'm not exactly just a vampire and number 2. I'm kinda pregnant....
C: wait what do u mean by that...
D: if your not exactly just a vampire what are you,
B: first before I tell u guys you have to swear not to tell klaus or Elijah... and can someone make sure they aren't around, so Stefan searched around the grill and no one was there..
Ok so I am part human, part vampire, part witch and part werewolf... and can't be killed but I was created back when the originals we're turned and stayed the same age as I am now..... I can hear everyone's thoughts..
B: so that's why I got a weird feeling when I touched u...
Bella's POV
Yeah bc apparently I'm related to u...
D:wait u said u was pregnant how?
B: easy I found out I was pregnant before i got killed as a human and once I died a human my other parts came out except the vampire part that happened on accident...
E:so do u know whose child it is??
B: well that's the thing there's two guys it could be, Elijah or someone else but I'm not saying who...
So after talking more i decided to leave and head back to Elijah's when I get outside Damon stops me and does something I didn't expect him to do he kissed me, and the next thing I know he's being flung off me by Elijah... then he takes me back to his home... and I can't think straight so I end up punching the door and broke it even though its a stone door...
Elijah's POV
Damn she is strong but I had to stop her bc even though she is friends with them I can't have her working with them, they'll turn her against me and I'll loose her forever.. oh shit she can hear me...
B: Elijah u won't loose me and I don't even like him that way... I need to tell u something but I can't tell u around everyone else... So Elijah took me to a secret place where klaus an Rebecca wouldn't know about...
E: ok now what do u need to tell me...
B: ok two things first I know this is ur child, second u know that book u and klaus was reading yesterday about ur history and there was a part about a creature who could possibly end all originals...
E: yeah why
B: that's me but I don't want to end all originals hell, I've been around for so many years I've actually dated almost all of u..
E: well I'm glad to know our suspicions we're correct but I'm also scared cuz of what u can do... I think we can tell klaus just hopefully he don't try to kill u again...
Bella's POV
First things first when we get back home, get rid of that pesky wolf hybrid Tyler
E:lol love we will do what ever u want to him,

Klaus's POV
So Elijah and Bella return and they make Tyler leave, I'm glad that hybrid wouldn't leave me alone Elijah told me that him and Bella need to talk to me so I go sit in the family room, well what do u need to talk about...
E: first off remember our theory about that creature that could end all of us originals,
K: yeah we thought it was Bella
E:well we are correct and the book says she can be the one to end us or rule us....
K: so she's with us so that means as long as she's happy and doesn't get mad with us she'll stay on our side and will help us.. no wonder she looked so familiar, I used to date her back in the 1400's before i met Katherine, and I remember Finn and kol dating her too.. wonder what he would think now about her...
Bella's POV
Well klaus how about u go let kol out of his coffin, and go fetch me some blood..
K: yes my queen anything for u
Elijah chuckles at this than looks at me and asks if I need him to do anything and I tell him to go get becca and explain to her what's going on..

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