phone call

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so the next morning  i wake up and see that my baby is still sleeping and go make a bottle for him and see elijah and kol in the kitchen, so  i ignore them and start to make the bottle when i get a phone call and its from an unknown number and the person tells me that i have a month to choose my companion/partner or else something bad will happen to my child or myself ... so i start to cry and kol comes over and hugs me and asks whats wrong, so i tell him that since im who i am if i dont choose my partner  soon something will happen to me or my child.... Elijah hears and takes off to check on his child.... I honestly can't decide who to pic as my companion... I love each guy in their own special way....

Klaus cuz he was my first love, kol for his quirkyness, Elijah for his nobility and loyalty plus I had his child .. so theres a bond we share..I need to sit down and talk with each guy to figure out who to choose...

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