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So its 10pm and I tell all 3 guys to come to the living room area and tell them I've made my choice who I have chosen as my partner and if he accepts then my power will combine with his and we would be the most powerful creatures in town, I said I choose Elijah and then he says that things aren't what they were before Henry but in order to protect him he'll do whatever it takes.. So me Elijah and Henry go to the old bridge and see these 2 woman there but on closer look its mine and Elijah's mothers and my mother said that I made the right choice and if I had chosen klaus or kol that we all would have died, but now we had to get "married" but just as we was discussing what's has to happen there was a blur of wind past us and the next thing I know is both our mothers are dead on the ground and somehow I could feel their powers combine with mine and then Elijah vanishes and goes back to the house then I realize that I'm more powerful than klaus or any of the mikaelsons and that I really don't need either of them but don't leave cuz of what's going to happen next, klaus gets a call from hailey saying she's going to have the baby soon then he leaves and I touch our moms and get a vision of Michael coming for klaus's child and that their sister freya will show up causing chaos and their aunt wanting the baby, so I do a spell to send our mothers to coffins in our basement and go to my room and then kol comes and tells me that now we don't need to pick who I want as my partner he wants to be with me but I told him right now I need to think and that if I choose to stay that I can and am stronger than all of them combined, so he tries to compel me but it don't work then he tries to get me when I snap his neck and end up going out and calling Damon, to the bar to drink, somehow I end up at the Salvatore home and then see Stefan and come to find out he knows that I was the one who turned him and Damon and made them vampires, so I head into town and get my house back so now I can live there. I compell a few guys from the furniture store to bring me basically anything a person would need and then I go home to Elijah's house and gather my belongings and my sons stuff and my son and run into klaus on the way out and he asks where I'm going too and I tell him that I got my own place near by so I can have room to do things and he says ok and then I said to tell Elijah that if he needs me to call me, so me and Henry left and went to our new place, then I call Stefan and ask if he can come over to talk and he comes over.. And I put Henry to bed..

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