Chapter 5: The Ferret Boy

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"Oh c'mon Hermione," said Fred in exasperation. "You won't get them sick leave by starving yourself!"

"Slave labor," Hermione protested. She was breathing hard through her nose. "That's what made this dinner. Slave labor." Fred and George rolled their eyes at her. Ever since the Quidditch World Cup, she had been on a crusade against house-elf slavery. For some reason the girl thought that the house-elves actually wanted to be set free. They had told her to let it go.

And yet, the stubborn woman refused to eat another bite.

Fred and George were sitting across from Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Lee Jordan was perched beside George while Alicia occupied the seat beside her boyfriend. Currently, she was trying to capture Fred's attention as Fred, George, and Lee began speaking quietly between themselves.

Of course, Fred and George had told Lee about their betting at the Quidditch Match. Certainly, the money they had made from Bagman wasn't enough to pay for everything for their shop, but it was an immense help. Fred and George needed to make more money. Their plan included selling their inventions to the students of Hogwarts, but at this rate, they wouldn't be opening their shop for years.

Meanwhile, Lee was more than happy to help his friends achieve their dreams of owning a joke shop. He didn't hold the same aspirations. No, he wanted something greater. He wanted nothing more than to be a Quidditch commentator for national league. Aside from commentating at the Quidditch games, there wasn't much he could do while in Hogwarts. So, he was more than happy to help his friends with their endeavors.

"Fred," whined Alicia, pulling on his arm a little. Fred glanced over at her. She had just opened her mouth to voice her annoyance when Dumbledore called the attention of the Great Hall.

"Now, that we are all fed, I must once more ask for your attention while I give out a few notices. Mr. Filch has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle has this year been extended to include Screaming Yo-yos, Fanged Frisbees, and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs. The full list is comprised of four hundred and thirty-seven and can be viewed in Mr. Filch's office, if anybody would like to check it." Fred and George smirked at one another. Along with their joke shop, they desperately wanted the honor of one day having their products on Filch's ever growing list of banned items.

"As ever," continued Dumbledore, "I would like to remind you all that the forest on the grounds is out-of-bounds to students, as is the village of Hogsmeade to all below third year. It is also my painful duty to inform you that the Inter-House Quidditch Cup will not take place this year." Fred's mouth fell open. No Quidditch? What was the point of going to school if there wasn't going to be Quidditch? "This is due to an event that will be starting in October, and continuing throughout the school year, taking up much of the teachers' time and energy, but I am sure you will all enjoy it immensely. I have great pleasure in announcing that this year at Hogwarts-"

Thunder resounded in the background. Fred had almost forgotten that it had been raining nearly all day long. The doors to the Great Hall banged opened ominously. A man stood there, staring at them all, leaning heavily on his long staff. Fred, along with the rest of the student body, swiveled in his seat to look at the newcomer. He took a sharp intake of breath, recognizing who the man was. His blue eyes met George's for a moment in awe.

The man walked all the way up to the long table that homed the teachers. He stretched out a hand to Dumbledore when he reached him, muttering something no one could hear. The man proceeded to take a seat at the table and begin eating the food in front of him.

"May I introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher? Professor Moody." Excitement flashed through Fred. Moody was going to be their DADA teacher? This year was going to be amazing. Finally, a teacher who had really lived and fought the Dark Arts. Fred thought for a moment of Lupin. He had enjoyed Professor Lupin, he was a great teacher. But this was Mad-Eye Moody! They were going to learn so much this year. The man was a legend.

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