Chapter 22: To Tutor a Malfoy

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Ron wished he could explain the chain of events that led to him dating Lavender. He honestly couldn't. One day he was completely single and the next he was snogging Lavender Brown. And that's all they seemed to have done since.

It wasn't that he disliked Lavender, it was more that he just didn't want to be around her. For Christmas, she had given him a necklace that said, "My Sweetheart." In what world would he want a necklace like that? Fred and George had found the necklace to be the funniest thing in the world and they tormented him relentlessly about it.

He just didn't know how to break up with her.

He had been with her for months and all they did was snog. He honestly didn't know anything about her.

He thought about asking Hermione to talk to Lavender for him, help him end it and all. But he knew what she would say. She would tell him that he got himself into this mess, he'd have to get himself out. His current plan included avoiding Lavender Brown until she'd forget they were dating.

It wasn't working.

He wasn't sure how to break up with her. He did like her company sometimes. But on the other hand, he despises being around her most of the time. Honestly, how did Ginny break up with her boyfriends? What did she say?

He knew he needed to end it with her. But it just seemed easier to ignore the situation completely. But ignoring the situation was nearly impossible. Somehow she always knew where he was.

It was a Monday morning when he spotted Lavender in the Great Hall. She was waiting for him. He considered for a moment if sitting next to her would be worth it. He was a little hungry, but he could always ask Harry to bring him some food. Or tell Lavender he was in the Hospital Wing. She'd leave and he could sneak in for some food. It was perfect.

As he was turning to leave, he promptly collided with another human being. "Sorry," he said quickly, rapidly collecting the books that scattered around the corridor.

"Watch where you're going Weasel!" shrieked the familiar, hateful voice. Glaring, he handed Pansy Parkinson her books. "You nearly hit me in the face!"

"Just trying to improve your looks," he said without thinking. Without hesitation, she slapped him across the face. Stuffing her books into her bag, she stomped away, leaving Ron to rub his cheek.


Hermione paced back and forth in front of McGonagall's office door. She didn't understand the conflicted feelings she had all of a sudden. Malfoy was a disgusting ferret boy. Why should she help him.? He had been looking paler recently and his conversation with Snape had her worried. Harry's Malfoy-Is-a-Death-Eater Theory wasn't sounding so crazy anymore.

Taking a deep breath, Hermione knocked on the door softly. "Enter," came a voice. Professor McGonagall was sitting in a dignified manner behind her desk. At the sight of Hermione, McGonagall sighed. "What has Mr. Potter done this time?" Hermione shook her head.

"It's not that, Professor."

"Well, Miss Granger?"

"Professor," she said hesitantly, "I'm w-worried for Malfoy." Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"And why is that?"

"He's been paler the past few months and-and he was always second in our class and you said it yourself he hasn't been doing his school work. And before Christmas break, I overheard-"

"Miss Granger," Professor McGonagall interrupted, "I would have expected more from you than to agree with Mr. Potter."

"I don't think he's a Death Eater," Hermione said hastily. "But I do think there's something going on with him. And I do want to find out what that is."

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