Chapter 29: The End of the War

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Hermione did not want to wake up. For the first time in months, the bed she was laying on was comfortable and inviting. She couldn't imagine pulling herself out of bed now, not when she was enveloped in such warmth. She didn't want to face Harry and Ron today or the Horcruxes. She just wanted to lie in bed for as long as she could.

And then the events of the day before came rushing back to her. She quickly sat up and looked around. Suffice to say she was no longer in Malfoy Manor. The atmosphere around her was much too inviting to be that cursed place.

Beside her bed, Fred was sitting in a chair. His head was leaning hard on his hands, his arms propped up by his knees. He was sound asleep, and a peaceful expression cascaded across his face.

Hermione smiled a little. She had missed Fred more than she had thought. Their conversations through the two-way mirrors paled in comparison to seeing him in person. She wondered slightly how long he had been sitting beside her. And who had told him where they were?

As if sensing her eyes on him, Fred roused, his eyes immediately looking at her. A smile spread across his face. "Morning, Granger," he said. "'Bout time you woke up. I reckoned you were going to sleep through the rest of the war." Hermione scolded him, but refrained from pointing out that he was also asleep.

"How is Harry?" Hermione wanted to know. Harry was probably feeling frantic about staying at the Shell Cottage, afraid he was putting Bill and Fleur's lives in danger.

"He seems annoyed. He tried to talk to Griphook and Ollivander this morning, but Malfoy said they should rest before Harry interrogates them and instead explain how in the world you three managed to find the Sword of Gryffindor. Don't think Harry much fancies having Malfoy here."

"He saved our lives at the manor," Hermione admitted.

"Yeah, the git was staring at the wall, mortified when George and me came. Reckon he doesn't like helping Harry."

"Or a muggle-born," Hermione added quickly.

Fred glanced to her arm. Currently, it was bandaged in order to cover the disgusting wound. Gently, Hermione reached out her hand to take his. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. "How is your super secret mission for Dumbledore going?"

She smiled. "Well, we've managed to stay alive."

"Not exactly the same thing," he murmured. "George and I'll go with you lot if you need us. If you're going to keep ending up in Malfoy Manor, it's the least we can do."

"Believe me, that is the last time we'll be going there." Fred hesitated a little, as though carefully choosing his words. Finally, he shook his head and a smile appeared on his face.

"Well, I'm glad you're alright. Harry wanted to talk to Griphook and Ollivander. You better get up if you want to be a part of his interrogations. Don't suppose you know what he wants with them?" Hermione shook his head.

"Probably to see why You-Know-Who was keeping them around in the first place." She sat up, preparing to leave the bed.

"I was worried about you, Granger," Fred admitted, not meeting her eyes. "And you lot will you be leaving soon again, won't you? And you can't tell us where you're going or what you're doing?"

She sighed and shook her head. "I like listening to Potterwatch," she told him instead. "You, Lee, and George are doing great work." He grinned.

"Come on, love," he answered. "Harry'll be waiting for you."


Neville Longbottom knew the time had come for him to disappear. He had lost his leverage over the Carrows. No longer was his blood worth anything. The Carrows had started using the members of Hogwarts students' families to force the students to listen and obey. But Neville was different from everyone else. His only family was his Gran. And everyone always underestimated his Gran.

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