Chapter 15: To Save Mr. Weasley's Life

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December arrived with a beautiful blanket of snow. Fred and George kept themselves busy by working on their products and skiving on classes and homework. Somehow, classes seemed to have grown more boring that year. Especially, Umbridge's. Each day, they sat and read. It was utterly dreadful.

Thankfully, they now had the D.A. to look forward to. Harry was a pretty good teacher, far better than Umbridge. Some spells, like the Stunning Spells, Fred and George already knew pretty well- the drawback of being seventh years in a class with fourth years.

But working with Hermione was amazing. Each class, without fail, they would partner together. She was a good partner, she pushed him to be better, to do better each time. "Fred," she said in an irritated voice, her arms were crossed over her chest. "We're supposed to be practicing casting and blocking the Stunning Spell."

"Yes," he simply said.

"Then, why did you glue my feet to the floor?"

"Hermione," he said, "if you had blocked it like you were supposed to, then you'd have never known I'd used the Sticking Charm." She shook her head at him, trying to look more irritated than she really felt.

"Release me, please."

Before Fred could reply, Harry called attention to himself. "Good job, everyone. This will be our last meeting before the winter holidays. So, just keep practicing as best you can and we'll meet again after the holidays. Really, great job everyone."

With that, the group began to disperse. Fred began to make his way over to where George was standing. He and George had some ideas they wanted to run by Harry. "Fred! Fred!" Hermione called after him. She was still struggling against the charm he had cast on her.

"You know," he said, laughing, "some would say you're stuck on me." She didn't seem to appreciate the joke.

"Fred," she said. Sighing, he cancelled the spell.


"Much," she answered. While Hermione went to gather her things, Fred and George went to talk to Harry. He seemed distracted for some reason.

"We've been thinking, Harry," said Fred. "We could slip some Puking Pastilles into Umbridge's tea."

"Or some fever fudge-" continued George.

"Sounds great, guys," Harry interrupted. "Would you excuse me?" Frowning, Fred and George watched Harry nervously walk over to where Cho Chang was standing, looking at a picture. No wonder the guy was distracted.

"He's been staring at her all night," Hermione said as she, Fred, George, and Ron walked back to Gryffindor Tower.

"Maybe he'll finally make a move," Fred remarked, only to see George smirk at the irony.

"What were you telling Harry about?" Ron asked, somewhat annoyed he hadn't been included in the conversation yet.

"We're going to put something in Umbridge's tea," George replied.

"That's a-" Hermione began.

"-Fantastic idea," Fred finished for her with a wink. "Thanks, Granger. We agree." Ron and George chuckled at that.

"You'll get into trouble," Hermione warned them pointedly.

"You know, Granger has a point," George said, each word dripping with sarcasm. "We'll get into trouble. We'll have to live our lives wondering what Umbridge drinking her tea with a Puking Pastille would be like." He shook his head for emphasis.

"But at least we'll be able to rest peacefully with the knowledge that we did not break any school rules," Fred added. Hermione glared at them.

"Fine. Mock me. Just don't come crying to me when you have detention," Hermione said. Fred quieted, thinking about what detention with Umbridge entailed. Absentmindedly, he rubbed his hand that had "I must not cause trouble" etched in.

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