Chapter 23: Oblivate

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Neville paced back and forth nervously in Gryffindor Tower. He was a Gryffindor. He should be brave enough. Neville never considered himself very brave. He was nothing compared to the bravery that Harry exhibited. It wasn't until last year at the D.A. meetings that he felt proud of himself, that he felt like he belonged.

He took a deep breath. He was going to do this, even if it did kill him. (And it might, for that matter). He was going to tell Luna Lovegood that he liked her.

It had slowly been building in him all year. She really was extraordinary, he determined. He had been working up the courage to tell her for months now, but, at the last moment, he never did. He always found a reason not to. He took another deep breath to steady his beating heart. Everything was going to okay. He would tell her and she would tell him that she liked him, too. And everything was going to be perfect.

He found Luna in the library. She was completely engrossed in the current issue of The Quibbler. He took the seat beside her. Without even glancing up at him, she murmured, "Hello, Neville."

"Hi, Luna," he started. He took a deep breath. This shouldn't be so hard. He had talked to Luna a thousand times before. He could do this. "LunaIlikeyou," he said quickly and forcefully. She looked back at him curiously. She may have been the only person in the world who understood what he just said. She sighed.

"It was only a matter of time, I suppose." She put her copy of The Quibbler down on the library table. Neville's fears began creeping up on him again. "I think we should just be good friends, Neville."

And there it was. His hopes crushed in a single sentence. "You don't like me back?" She shook her head.

"Not like that," she answered. "But we'll be good friends, I think." She picked up The Quibbler again and continued to read. The world crashed down around Neville. Luna would continue to be his friend, but nothing more. He stared at the wall for a few minutes before standing up, and with slouched shoulders, trudged back up to Gryffindor tower sadly.


Malfoy tapped his foot impatiently. Granger had never been late before. He knew she had been spending most of her time in the Hospital Wing with the Weasel. He wasn't trying to poison Weasley (though he might have been doing the world a favor, if he did), he didn't even care for the Weasel, but he felt guilty.

Draco rubbed his face tiredly. The Vanishing Cabinet was still not working and he was running out of time. The Dark Lord was going to kill him and his family. Perhaps, that would be better than this, though. This task was already nearly killing him. He hated this. He really despised the task he was given. He wished he had never taken the Mark.

Suddenly, the door to the classroom banged open and Hermione Granger came running in excitedly. Like useful, she was carrying a stack of books, which she threw down on the table beside Draco. "I am so sorry I'm late!" she exclaimed.

He shrugged in response. "Weasel still in the Hospital Wing then?" He didn't dare look at her while he said this, slightly afraid she would be able to see the truth in his eyes.

"Ron," she emphasized, "is feeling better. Not completely well though. Fred and George came up to see him today. That's why I was late." Malfoy said nothing in response. He was staring at his Transfiguration book, determinedly looking away from her. "Madame Pomfrey says he'll be getting better now. Harry and I think someone was trying to poison Dumbledore through Slughorn and Ron just got in the way."

Malfoy again said nothing. Granger was clever. Sooner or later, she would realize the truth that Potter, of all people, had already guessed. At his silence, Granger sighed. "Shall we begin with yesterday's lesson?"

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