Chapter 16: A Trip to Hogsmeade

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Harry was avoiding everyone. Sure, at first they were all a little startled when they overheard Mad-Eye suggest that Harry was being possessed. No one really believed it though, not even Mad-Eye. Still, it was the only explanation they had for why Harry saw Mr. Weasley attacked from the snake's point of view.

There was no reasoning with him. His sour mood was certainly destroying the Christmas cheer. After helping minimally with the Christmas decorations, Harry disappeared again. Everyone suspected he was with Buckbeak. When Hermione arrived that night unexpectedly, she wasted no more than three minutes talking to everyone before she ran off to find Harry.

Fred wasn't sure what Hermione had said to Harry, but he seemed to have wanted to partake in the festivities after that. "Thought you were skiing with your parents, Granger," Fred commented that evening at dinner.

"To tell the truth, skiing's not really my thing," she answered. "Dumbledore told me this morning what happened. I-Is he-"

"He's going to be fine. Found 'im just in time." Fred looked away for a moment, listening to the general chatter in the room as he decided what to say. "I was really worried about him. Can't imagine life without him."

"Well," Hermione returned, "at least you don't have to know."

The next morning was met with tears. Percy, the world's biggest prat, had sent back his present without so much as a note. Did he even know his father was in the hospital? Did he even care?

Mrs. Weasley sat at the kitchen table with Lupin and Tonks, crying buckets of tears. "Mum, Percy's nothing more than a humongous pile of rat droppings," Fred said in an attempt to console her. She just cried harder.

"Perhaps, you two should see it everyone else is awake," Remus suggested. "Tonks and I'll stay here with your mother."

Fred and George nodded and with a crack! Left the room.

Fred didn't understand it. How could his brother be so cruel to their very loving parents? What was he even doing for Christmas this year? Would he be sitting in his flat alone? Or would he be working at the Ministry all day?

Fred and George entered Ron and Harry's room then. They were looking through their presents excitedly. "Hermione get you a planner, too?" George commented, looking through Ron's gifts. Both Harry and Ron groaned. "You don't reckon she actually expects us to use them, does she?"

"That's probably why she gave them to us. To just stare at them," Harry murmured sarcastically.

Fred said nothing. They had all received a gift from Hermione? Granger had given him nothing for Christmas. Merlin, even George got a planner! Had she forgotten him? Or just didn't care enough to get him one?

Fred had thought long and hard about what to get Hermione for Christmas. It had to be something special, but also something practical. He wanted to give her something she'd use everyday and be forced to think of him because of it. And finally, the idea came to him.

On their way back down the stairs for breakfast, they ran into Hermione. "Merry Christmas!" Fred and George greeted her.

"Merry Christmas," she replied, cheerfully. "George, thank you for the Fainting Fancies...I'm sure I'll find a use for them."

"Reckoned you'd need them for you O.W.L.s," George told her. He glanced between Fred and Hermione before quickly thanking Hermione for the planner and leaving them alone.

"Thank you for the Sugar Quills, Fred," Hermione said. "They're perfect. I love them."

"I'm glad," Fred said. He scratched the back of his head. Should he just leave now?

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