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Charlie didn't want Christine to leave. He had quite enjoyed her company over the past few months and he couldn't imagine her leaving. But he couldn't ask her to stay in Romania just for him. They were only friends, after all, and she would do what was best for her daughter no matter what.

If Charlie was being honest, he had never stopped loving Christine. They had been close when they were at Hogwarts together. But, somehow, time never seemed right for them. He had met her husband briefly after Hogwarts and thought that nothing would ever come from his feelings for Christine.

But, he felt like he had been given a second chance with her and he was determined to use it. So, he asked her to stay. He told her that he had always cared for her and that he had always wanted the best for her. It seemed like a miracle had happened when she said she would stay.

They were married a year and a half later, much to the joy of Mrs. Weasley.


Remus Lupin mourned the death of his wife for the rest of his life. He gave his son all the love in his heart and told him regaling stories of the bravery that was Nymphadora Tonks. It wasn't until after legislation in the Ministry for equal opportunities for werewolves went through that Remus was able to return to teaching at Hogwarts. He was known as one of the greatest Defense Against the Dark Arts professors to ever grace the school. And the curse of the ever changing Defense Against the Dark Arts professors having been broken, he was able to remain at the school for many years.

Remus had lost much because of the wars. He had lost his friends and his beloved wife. But he kept them all alive in his memories. As he walked down the corridors of Hogwarts, he would recall running around the castle with Sirius and James. As he sat at home with his son, he would remember the love he had for Nymphadora and the truly remarkable person she was. His friends were never certain that Remus was completely happy after the wars, his loss chipping away at his joy.

Teddy Lupin grew up believing that his parents were war heroes. He was never once ashamed to have Remus, the werewolf, as his father. In fact, when he was young, he was sure that all people had werewolves for fathers. Teddy never thought his life was any different from anyone else. And that was all Remus Lupin could ask for.


Draco Malfoy didn't fight in the war, which everyone was rather pleased about. No one was sure what he would have done. In the heat of the moment, what side would he choose? What would Voldemort do if he had been found?

During the battle, Malfoy spent his time with his Aunt Andromeda, a woman he had never met before. He had heard of her, of course. She had turned her back on her family by marrying a Muggle-born. He supposed he was going to be blasted off of the family tree like she was, having also turned his back on his family. And he'd done something worse. He had helped Harry Potter.

But his mother forgave him after the battle. She had been greatly worried for him after he had disappeared from the manor. Potter had told him how it was his mother who saved his life. When Potter was lying unconscious on the ground, she knew he was alive, but lied to the Dark Lord when Potter told her Draco was alright.

His father turned into a bitter old man. No one trusted Lucius after the war, he had lost everything. He was sent to Azkaban while Draco and his mother remained in Malfoy Manor. He hated it, though. He despised everything about his childhood home now. It would always reek of Voldemort to him.

Malfoy married Astoria Greengrass a few years after he started working in Gringotts. Together, they destroyed Malfoy Manor and rebuilt into something better. He invited Granger, Weasley, and Potter every year for the annual Christmas party. He always groaned when he saw them though. "Potter," he would drawl. He wouldn't define their relationship as friendship, but mutual acknowledgement that the other existed.

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