Chapter 27: Dumbledore's Army, Still Recruiting

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Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes was no more. At least, for the time being. The store had been compromised. Fred knew it was going to happen the minute he and George returned to their flat on Wednesday night. It was late, and their patrolling was successful.

Dolohov, the Death Eater that sent Hermione into a coma the night Sirius died, was sauntering with two others around, looking for the perfect target. Fred and George didn't hesitate for a moment before they sent spells at the Death Eaters. Fred loved to use Charms while he dueled. No one was ever expecting to be tickled in the middle of a duel. Their surprise was a distraction Fred could take advantage of. It also made the Death Eaters look like idiots. And this was success in Fred's mind.

Unfortunately, the duel took place in the middle of Diagon Alley. Fred and George had made three Death Eaters look like morons in front of a crowd. It was only a matter of time before they seeked retribution. So, Fred and George packed their belongs took their products set about this was all over, they would return. Until that time, they had to say "goodbye" to their beloved store.

They Apparated to their Burrow, where their mother was waiting for them.


The more Neville went over it in his mind, the less sense it made. Why would Malfoy lie? Why didn't he tell Amycus the truth about him and Hannah? Neville wanted to ask Malfoy, but Malfoy still scared him slightly, so he debated not doing that.

But he wanted to know why Malfoy had protected him. Besides, Neville's Gran had always told him that everyone deserves a second chance. Or, in Malfoy's case, a thousand changes. After Charms class one day, Neville was able to quietly ask him about it. Malfoy told him he didn't know what Neville was going talking about and to stop talking to him.

So, Neville persisted. He asked Malfoy nearly everyday until Malfoy was so annoyed by Neville that he had to answer. It worked pretty well for him. "It just seemed like the right thing to do," Malfoy muttered. "And Amycus deserved it."

Neville played his words over in his mind. Malfoy had definitely changed since the year prior. And during this thought, an idea planted itself there and began to grow. He knew Ginny wouldn't like it and that it was probably a terrible idea. But it didn't seem to disappear with common sense.

He found Ginny working on her homework on the sofa in front of the fire in Gryffindor Tower. Neville was still getting used to seeing the sofa empty. Harry, Ron, and Hermione usually took those seats. He missed them. They were good friends, and he really missed Hermione's help with his homework. Neville took the seat beside Ginny.

"Where do you think they are?" Ginny wondered aloud. She asked this question about once a week. Neville knew that she missed them, he felt the same way. She glanced over curiously. "I heard Amycus Carrow was stuck in a portable swamp."

"Yeah, Hannah and I did that." Ginny wait a beat for Neville to continue, but apparently he didn't understand her implication.

"Well, I'm glad you weren't caught," Ginny said. "Amycus was pretty livid in class today." Neville explained what Malfoy had done for them. Ginny was certain he was mistaken somehow. Draco Malfoy would never help a Gryffindor.

"It was him," Neville insisted. "He said Amycus deserved it and that's why he did it." The way Neville said this caused Ginny to think he had more to say. He took a deep breath before continuing. "I think we should see if he wants to join the D.A."

Ginny burst out into laughter, automatically assuming Neville was joking. He had to be. It was the only explanation. But the look on Neville's face told her otherwise. "Neville, he's the reason that Harry, Ron, and Hermione aren't at Hogwarts this year! He cursed Katie Bell, accidentally poisoned Ron, helped Death Eaters get into the school, and nearly killed Dumbledore. And that was only last year! Not to mention the fact that he is a Death Eater!"

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