Chapter 9: The Triwizard Cup

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It wasn't so much that Fred didn't know that this was a bad idea. He knew it. But he still didn't seem to care. It was completely justified in his mind. Krum had this coming to him. Especially after what he'd done.

Fred hadn't thought much of Professor McGonagall asking him and George to find Hermione and Ron the night before the Second Task. He didn't even question it, just went about his day. But then, during the Second Task, he and George couldn't find Hermione and Ron. When Cedric emerged from the water with Cho Chang, he finally understood. Ron and Hermione were in the lake. How could Dumbledore have approved this? Fred must have stopped breathing entirely until Hermione, Viktor, Ron, the Beauxbaton girl, and Harry made their way to the surface.

Hermione was Krum's precious thing. The thought made him feel sick. Krum liked Hermione and because of it, she sat in a lake for an hour. Fred and George wanted justice for that.

And they knew just how to do it, too.

After all, pranking was in their blood.

"Ready, Freddie?" George said from behind him. Fred nodded. Krum deserved what he got, Fred rationalized. Hermione had no business being in that lake.

"Ready, George," Fred answered. The two of them hopped onto their brooms and soared into that air. It was amazing being up in the air again. It had been far too long since Fred had flown. For a moment, he mourned the loss of Quidditch again. If only he could fly like this all the time.

They made a few circles in the sky before they dived down towards the Durmstrang ship. Fred pulled a few dungbombs from his pocket. George did the same. "On three," he murmured.

"One," said George. Krum emerged on the deck of the ship and glanced around. This couldn't have been better planned if they had tried.

"Two," continued Fred. Krum squinted at the sky as though he saw something.

"Three," they said together. All of the dungbombs they had been holding showered down on the ship, drowning the ship in the horrific scent.

Karkaroff stormed to the deck, hatred and annoyance plastered on his face.

Laughing, Fred and George flew away, fully believing they had found justice for Hermione.


They weren't in that much trouble, not really. Karkaroff was furious about the prank, thundering into Dumbledore's office later that night. But no one could prove it was them, so they only got off with a warning. "I hope you understand," Dumbledore had told them pointedly, "that no one was placed in the lake if they objected. Even Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger."

Neither Fred nor George said anything.

Thought of Krum and the Durmstrangs were quickly forced out of their minds, however. Bagman was still ignoring their letters and their attempts at cornering him in person.

Then one day, a thought came to Fred. At first, he tried to dismiss it, knowing how his mum would react if she knew what he was thinking. But the thought persisted, invading his mind. It could work, he realized. This could get him their money.

George did not approve of his plan.

"Fred, this isn't going to work! That's blackmail, that is, we could get into a lot of trouble for that-" George said as they walked to the Owlery. Fred was giddy with the letter he was holding in his hand.                   

"We've tried being polite! It's time to play dirty, like him. He wouldn't like the Ministry of Magic knowing what he did-" Why couldn't George see it from his side? This was the best plan they had!

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