Chapter 26: A Reputation to Uphold

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Arthur Weasley was not having a good morning. Every morning he work with a strong worry built up in his chest. He didn't like have his son and his friends running about like his. He understood they had an important job to do, but he worried. Anything could happen to them.

His worry only mounted when he learned that Fred and George had started working with Charlie and Christine to help Muggle-borns escape the country and go into hiding. Why did he have to teach his children to stand up for what was right? Why did they all have to be so brave.

He rubbed his face tiredly. With the recent Muggle hatred, he knew it was just a matter of time before he lost his job. It was inevitable. Arthur wasn't ignorant. He knew the Ministry was only keeping him around in case Harry tried to contact him. He was only valuable because he treated Harry as a son.

If he was honest, Harry was a part of his family.

He spent the morning trying to explain to Wakanda why he didn't agree with the Ministry's new legislation against Muggle-borns. She, like so many others, thought the Ministry was acting justly. "I quite understand what you're saying, Wakanda," he said as they stepped into the elevator. "I'm afraid I just can't be party-"

His eyes fell on Albert Runcorn, causing him to stop talking. There were few people that Arthur was unwilling to be civil with and Runcorn was one of them. At the sight of the pathetic excuse for a man, anger courses through him.

He was thinking of confronting him, but turned to Reginald Cattermole at the sound of something dripping. "Oh, hello, Reg," he greeted. "Isn't your wife in for questioning today? Eh-what's happened to you? Why are you so wet?"

"Yaxley's office is raining," Reg answered. Reg wasn't looking Arthur in the eye, which confused Arthur. Reg had been a good friend for years, never afraid to talk to him. Perhaps, he was just worried for his wife. Arthur had tried to convince Reg to take his family far away from England, but Reg insisted that the Ministry would be just and see that his wife is in fact a witch. "I couldn't get it to stop, so they've sent me to get Bernie Pillsworth-"

"Yes, a lot of offices have been raining recently," Arthur had a theorthwr Fred and George had started this. "Did you try Meteolojinx Recanto? It worked for Bletchley."

"Meteolojinx Recanto? No, I didn't. Thanks Da-I mean, thanks, Arthur."

The elevator doors opened, and Wakanda and Reginald exited the lift. Before the doors closed Percy entered, his eyes trained on the papers in his hands. Arthur had seen Percy around the Ministry numerous times. He had wanted to speak to his son, but Percy refused. He was stubborn and driven.

Percy glanced up at his father, before quickly returning to the papers in his hands. Arthur wanted desperately to show Percy what he had done to their family. He wanted Percy to know of all the nights Molly had stayed awake worrying or crying over their son. Or the numerous nights that Arthur just wanted to remind his son that he loved him no matter what. Arthur was determined to hold out hope that his son would see sense and come home. That he would sacrifice his pride to fight for what was right.

But as Percy stared at the papers in front of him, blatantly ignoring his father, Arthur's heart broke inside of him. His son was too proud. Perhaps, his son would never know how much he loved him.

The doors to the lift opened and Percy dashed out quickly, hoping to get away from the awkward situation. Runcorn moved towards the lift doors, exiting the lift. If Arthur was going to say what was playing on his conscious, he had to do so now, when it was just the two of them. "One moment, Runcorn." The doors of the lift close loudly and they started moving down another floor. "I hear you laid information about Dirk Cresswell."

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