Pinky Promise

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*April 4th 2029*

It's been a month, and I still don't know how to work an iPhone. Mr. Perez never found the time to teach me, and Marcelena isn't really technologically savvy. I don't have any friends to teach me either, so I just leave my phone in my bag. I've only used it once.

Anyway, today's the first day at my new school. I feel awkward switching schools, especially in the middle of the semester. Not to mention, I'm going from public, to private, attending the Henry Charles Academy High School. Going from picking out my clothes everyday, to wearing a uniform. I don't mind though.

"Mariah, you ready for school?"


I stuffed everything in my bag, throwing my bag over my shoulder. Taking one last look in the mirror, I fixed headband on my head. Since this was a new school, I didn't need another account of being ostracized because of my hair.

"Mariah, come on! You don't want to be late, let's go!"


I raced out my room and down the stairs. Marcelena was in the kitchen washing dishes while Mr. Perez chewed the last of his apple. He saw me and quickly finished.

"Okay...bye Marcelena, we'll be home later."

He kissed her on the cheek, as I waved goodbye to Marcelena.

"Adios, chicos! Have a nice día!" She hollered over her shoulder.

I stood before my new locker, unsure of the combination. I've tried it a million times, and it still hasn't worked. I would ask someone, but no one knows me and vice versa. It would be weird if I just ask a random person. I sighed and continued to stare the at the three two-digit combo on the strip of paper.

"Need some help?"


He smiled down on me and took the white strip of paper out my hand.

"These lockers are tricky. You gotta bang it a couple times and.....voila."

My locker popped open from his hands, and I smiled. I commenced to putting my books in, getting ready for my last few classes.

"So, how you like HCA, so far?"

I got nervous. He asked me a question...Why didn't he just walk away?

"I-i-it-its n-ni-nice...." I struggled to choke out. He nodded and continued to watch me put my books away, until I shut the locker. We started walking down the hallway, students passing us by. Some even nodded Trevor's way.

"That's good. Everybody's been nice, right?"

I nodded, not daring to look into his bright chocolate brown eyes. We continued walking in silence, until we both reached the cafeteria. I didn't know we had the same lunch period. I stood by the door, feeling a little uncomfortable, while Trevor sort of walked away. He stopped mid-step to turn at me.

"Mariah, you coming?"

His words didn't fully process because of my nervousness. There were so many people, walking and zooming by. My skin started to itch, and I unknowingly tugged on my hair. It wasn't until my head started to burn, that I dropped my arm down.

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