Mary Had A Little Lamb

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May 5th 2029

I basically fell out of my bed, as I examined my room. The floor was relished with red rose petals, that gave off this strong fragrance. I was so disturbed, yet lost. Who, and why, would sprinkle rose petals in my hotel room? How did they get in my hotel room? Where did they get all those roses?

All my questions were left unanswered. I didn't feel safe anymore, like someone was stalking me, in my sleep and in reality. That's when it dawned on me to check on Mariah. I crunched through the soft roses, opening the door that stood between our two rooms. Peaking inside, she was sound asleep underneath the covers. I looked on, noticing nothing out of the ordinary. Everything was fine with her, but what the hell was going on with me?

Getting ready for this big day of promoting, I showered, dressed and got Mariah dressed and ready. She had a slight attitude this morning, but I dismissed it. I have serious work to do and ain't nobody got time to be dealing with her crusty ass attitude. Anyway, we arrived at breakfast with everybody else. We had our own private table in one of the hotel's banquet halls. Everybody was down here, waiting on us.

"Took y'all long enough!"

"So I see you finally decided to join us."

"Man, what happened to you last night?"

I had barely taken a seat, but was bum rushed with questions and people's opinions already. I just smiled it off and found my seat, with Mariah close next to me. She kept quiet the whole breakfast. Usually, that's not odd for her, but she didn't even eat. That bothered me, because I didn't need a repeat of her starving herself again.

"I had to take care of Mariah's asthma. She needed me, so I couldn't leave."

"Well, you missed a bunch of fun at the beach. I mean we had food, drinks women-"

"Okay, Myles. There are children here." Ray stressed, making Myles roll his eyes.

"Anyway, we had a ton of fun."

"And it won't be the last time, either. We got a while month, so let's make it last." Craig toasted. We raised our drinks, finishing breakfast and getting ready for a LONG day of tour promoting.







"M B!"

"M B!"

"M B!"

The crowd chanted as we left the stage. We just finished performing all our old songs, and gave the crowd sneak peaks into our new material. The loved it so much, we did an encore and as of right now, I am exhausted. I could pass out any minute, but I can't because we have this backstage meet & greet with the fans. We had to hurry up and change into regular clothes. I just hope this ends quickly, because all I'm thinking about right now, is a date with my bed and pillow.

"And here they are....Mindless Behavior!!"

The announcer yelled as we walked out, waving at our fans. There was a LONG ass line, full of women of all different ages. It was crazy how diverse our fan base was. Ray, Craig, Myles and I all stood ready for pictures, as they came one by one. Some were normal and just smiled, others acted extra for no reason and some were just too ratchet for words. But at the end of the day, I'm glad to say we came and showed out for our number one supporters. And now it's time for some well deserved R&R.

"Wait, one picture of the fam, all together!"

I mentally groaned, thinking why the hell we can't just leave?! We can take a "family" photo another time, when I'm not about to die of sleep deprivation.

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