He Really Cares

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*March 10th 2029 - Morning*

"Mariah, wake up. It's time for school!"

Damn, already....?

I lazily threw the heavy covers back, slowly sitting up. My door was opened with Mr. Perez smiling in the doorway. His hair was in a ponytail, and in his hand was a mug of what I'm assuming to be coffee.

"I'm gonna drop you off, so hurry up and get dressed."

He dispersed down the hall, and I groaned.

"I-I-I do-dooo-don't want t-tooo g-g-gooo..." I grumbled, walking towards a half full dresser. I picked out my clothes, my undergarments and my shoes. Walking down the hall in my pajamas, I got ready for my shower, brushed my teeth and finally dried off. Once I was finally dressed, I went downstairs, seeing Mr. Perez was dressed as well. And very....differently. Instead of his green septum piercing, he had a gold one. His long shirt hung loosely off his body, while his dark jeans sagged a bit.

There is no way in hell, anybody is going to believe he's my legal gaurdian.

"Good, we can eat breakfast and finally leave."

He smiled and took his seat. I bit my lip looking for what to say next. Yesterday was different.

"I-I-I'mm no-not hu-hu-hunggry...." I mumbled, pulling on one of my twists. I hate talking, I wish I could've been born mute.

Mr. Perez looked at me, cocking his head to the side. I could tell he didn't believe me. I just prayed my stomach stayed silent, at least until I got to school. Mr. Perez sighed, and stood from his seat. He reached for his phone and his keys, before motioning towards the door. I followed behind, tugging on my worn bag. It was old and raggedy, but it was mine and had been there for me longer then anything else in my life. Besides, I loved it. All it needed was some new stitch work.

"Well, let's go."

He led us to his white Lincoln MKZ, and I placed my stuff in the back. He started the engine and we rode in solitude, letting the radio be the only noise. It was an early morning and the sun was just setting. People zoomed by, on their way to work. Even though it was spring, businessmen and women alike wore trench coats and light jackets. I only had a light sweater. It was long, but it wasn't hefty, barely keeping me warm. At least Mr. Perez turned the heat on.

"Mariah, why don't you have a coat?" Mr. Perez asked me, looking rather displeased with my choice of clothes. I merrily shrugged, not wishing to discuss such matters so early in the morning. I am not a morning person.

"Well, after school I'm picking you up so we can get you one."

I looked his way, seeing his hands gripped firmly on the steering wheel. He was highly focused on the road, never straying his eyes. I hadn't realized how hard I was staring, until the car stopped and he looked my way. I shook it off and looked out the window at my school. It was an old, Gothic looking building, with tainted windows and high arched doors, sitting on a corner, right across the street from a park and a Starbucks. Teenagers, my age and older, filed into the school.

"We're here." Mr. Perez looked between me and my school, scanning it as well. I mentally prepared myself for the day ahead and began to exit the man's car. But not before he grabbed my arm. I hissed in pain and looked at his oblivious face.

"Remember, I'm picking you up."

I nodded and watched him drive off, leaving me to fend for myself, yet another day.

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