The Hangover Prt. 1

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☮April 14th 2029☮

A hard knock on my door woke me up. My eyes blinked a few times, before I stretched my body out and lifted my head.

"Señor, time to wake up. You have to go to work!"

I groaned in response, until I heard a toilet flush. Fully awake, I sat up and pulled the covers back.

"O-Okay, just give me a minute..."

I heard Marcelena's footsteps down the hall, and I waited for whoever was in my bathroom to come out.


Some young girl, wearing my shirt, said coming out my bathroom.

"Wh-Who are you?"

She climbed on my bed and straddled my waist. Her hands wrapped around my neck, as she played in my hair.

"The lady that brought you home."

She climbed off me, but not before kissing my lips. She quickly got redressed and I raced to get ready and dressed myself.







I trailed behind the young girl, as she strutted down my stairs. I felt ashamed, but at the same time happy that my headache was gone. The girl stopped at the door, which I politely opened for her. She turned back and kissed my cheek, before leaving. It was sad, because I didn't even know her name.

"Who was that?"

I turned around, seeing Marcelena, eyebrow raised. She fiddled with the towel in her hand.

"Oh, um....this girl I met."


"At the club." I sheepishly answered.

Her lips pursed, as she stepped closer. She took me by the ear and pulled me into the kitchen. My face twisted in pain and she finally released.

"Are you loco?! You have a child to look after now! What if she had seen that puta walk all in here?!"

Rubbing the back of my neck, all I could do was stand and listen while my maid ranted. A rush of guilt went over me. I had completely forgotten about Mariah and how bringing in strange women could effect her.

"Do you know how many times Mariah complains about you? How you are never here...What kind of parenting is that, hm? You wanted to raise that girl, so you better start and soon!"

Her finger jammed into my chest. It was weird hearing all this from my paid help, but she has a very strong point. I was wrong, I'll admit. I haven't been present in Mariah's life like I promised I would.

"And another thing: stop coming home drunk! That is not a good look, mijo. You're not setting a good modelo."

"You're right and I'm so-"

"W-wha-what's f-f-fo-for b-br-break-breakfast?"

I turned around, seeing Mariah in an oversized t-shirt and basketball shorts. Her hair was allover her head. I exchanged a look with Marcelena, before reaching out for Mariah.

"You know what? What if I take off of work today, and you and I can go out for breakfast."


"Yep. And I promise, we can do whatever you want."

Her solemn face turned into a light smile. Her eyes were that light amber color again, sparkling in the late morning sunlight. It was weird, because neither of her parents had her eye color. Maybe it's just this hangover.

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