An Artist's Excuse

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April 13th 2029

I woke up with a huge headache. But it wasn't just a simple headache either. More like a terrible migrane. I didn't even wanna get up, but I had to get Mariah to school. I know how she could get, if things don't go her way, temper tantrums and extreme fits. I'd blame it on her emotional disturbances, but....I don't know.

Getting out of bed, I showered and dressed plainly in all black. Lately, I haven't been that "Misfit" I usually portrayed, but that's because I have a great responsibility now. And taking care of a disturbed child is tiring, not allowing me time for myself, or friends. I can barely focus on work, let alone anybody else. I really need to prioritize. After I was dressed, I noticed Mariah had beaten me downstairs, again. Honestly, I think she gets up early because she doesn't want me to know that she doesn't eat. The sad thing is, I do know because she looks weaker and weaker every day. I don't understand why she does it, it's probably torture for her. And if I pressure her on the matter, either she doesn't want to talk, or she gives a bullshit excuse.

"Buenos días, Mr. Perez! Breakfast?" Marcelena greeted me with a full plate of pancakes and huevos y bacon. I gladly took it, not seeing Mariah.

"Gracias, Marcel. Where's Mariah?"

"No se. I thought she was still in her room."

I shoved a fork full of eggs in my mouth, before getting out my seat. I traced back upstairs, and into Mariah's room. The door was cracked open, and I knocked upon peeking my head inside.

"Mariah? Are you up?"

No answer. I pushed the door open and took a single step inside.

"...G-Go a-a-away..."

I stopped and looked around the dark room. I couldn't find the light switch, so I turned on the lamp that sat on her desk. I saw the covers on her bed flinch back, and I knew she was hiding. I sighed before walking over and sitting on the bed.

"Mariah, come on and get up. You're gonna be late."

"...I-I-I d-do-don-t c-ca-care..."

She was crying, and I became concerned, yet disoriented. I thought she loved her new school.

"Mariah, what's wrong?" I tried to touch her, but she cringed. I bit my lip and ran my fingers through my hair.

"....I-I d-do-don't w-wa-wa-wanna g-go t-t-to s-s-sc-school..."

"Why don't you want to go to school?" At least she was talking to me.

For a while she didn't say anything, but she did pull the covers from her face. I looked in her red, puffy eyes seeing how fragile she really was. Okay, fine she doesn't have to go to school. I guess I can take her to work, cause I don't trust her at home. She could have a whole conniption and no one would be here to make sure she wouldn't hurt herself. Speaking of, I can tell that bruise is almost done healing.

"Mariah....please talk to me."

She rubbed her eye, then pointed to an area on the floor. I looked and saw a pair of her underwear. A puzzled look crossed my face. Looking between her and the article of clothing, I didn't understand. She started crying again and turned away from me. I stood off the bed and walked towards the piece of clothing, seeing a big red mark. I covered my mouth then slowly backed away. I don't think I can do this.

"Well, uh.....isn't this supposed to happen?"


Her crying caused her to hiccup uncontrollaby. I ran a shaky hand through my hair, feeling numb. I don't do, periods.

Wake. UP. [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now