Binding, I Mean Bonding

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April 16th 2029

I was shook out my sleep, seeing Mr. Perez standing over me. He looked down on me with a worried and overwhelmed look. I sat straight up, noticing I was a little sweaty and my heart was racing.

"Mariah, are you alright?"

Wiping my forehead, I answered, "I-I-I t-th-thi-think s-sssooo...."

"Well good. You were shaking in your sleep."

I was shaking? That's a new one. What was I dreaming about, anyway? I'm surprised I can't even remember it.

"But I came in here to wake you up. Now, get dressed!"

He flickered on my light, and I groaned in annoyance. He was becoming a pain. What time is it anyway?

"Mariah, hurry up and get dressed."

He walked out, and I sluggishly threw the covers back. I roamed around the spacious room searching for something to wear. I showered, did my hygiene and placed on an oversized Cosby-like sweater and black leggings. I decided to push my hair back with a headband and walked out into the hall. Mr. Perez's door was open, and he came out of it wearing a Ramones t-shirt, dark, ripped jeans and heavy black combat boots with buckles. He smiled at me, before grabbing a towel from the linen closet and returning into his room.

I slowly followed inside and noticed he was in his bathroom. When I walked in, his hair was pulled into a pony and there were three different septum rings laid out on the counter. He looked at me through the mirror, then returned to getting ready.

"What's up?"

I shook my head, indicating I didn't have anything to say. I honestly just wanted to see his room again. It was huge and his bathroom was lovely. He had a lot of stuff, like lava lamps, posters, three walk in closets and a fireplace. The TV was located above the bathtub, on the wall. I never even dreamt that I would have the privilege of living in a house like this.

"You know what I noticed?"

I turned in the direction of his voice.

"You don' have your ears pierced."

I slowly touched my left ear. I've always wanted my ears pierced, but my grandmother never took me to get them done. She said she was too afraid to have them do it when I was a baby, and by the time I was entering middle school, she just never got around to it. And I never really complained either, because I was more concerned about not being teased, or sent to the principals office.

"How come you don't have earrings? All pretty girls should have earrings."

I shrugged my shoulders, bitting my bottom lip. No one's really called me pretty in a long time.

"Do you want your ears pierced?"

Hesitantly, I shook my head yes. He smiled and put in the silver septum ring. He even tied a black bandana around his head and put on some glasses. His style was different, like he was confused. It appeared like he wasn't sure if he was thug, or a nerd. I just laughed to myself, as he tied a hoodie around his waist.

"Okay, I think I'm ready."

He examined his outfit, doing some weird poses. I giggled, and he pulled his phone out. He took some pictures, then motioned for me to stand next to him.

"Take a picture with me."


"Mariah, please?"

I shook my head no, and he pouted his lip. It was funny, because he was a grown man, acting like a little kid.

"Fine. I'll just be by myself."

Wake. UP. [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now