Children Are Everything

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April 26th 2029

It's been a while since my birthday fiasco and things have only gotten weirder. The headaches only come at certain times of the day now, which is usually the morning. I decided I would stop drinking alcohol, and see if that would help, but I kind of broke that promise yesterday. So I just chose not to drink as much as I did the other day. I really do think that getting that drunk, makes me see and hear things. Just last night, I heard low talking in my sleep, but I didn't recognize the voices.

I've thought about seeing someone about all this madness, but works been stressing me. We're almost near our deadline, but we have so much to do still. It's hard taking care of business, especially when you have a child to look after, whose needs get more demanding by the day. It seems like she needs me more with each passing day, and I'm missing out because of some paranormal shit.


"Jacob...? Are you listening?"


"Were you even listening?"

"I-I uh...."

"Hmm. Anyway, like I was saying, we need to hurry up and get shit done. The people been waiting for this album and I don't want to keep them waiting."

I rubbed my tired face, all while Ray spoke. The demanding needs of our fans were getting to everybody. We were working on our fifth album and the deadline was catching up to us, but because of all that's been going on, we doubt we'll meet it.

"So what should we do?"

"Maybe cut a few songs."

"Or, push the deadline back?"

"No, we shouldn't keep the people waiting." I added. "We should at least promote the few songs we have done, like we used to."

They thought about what I said for a minute, before all agreeing with me. We agreed upon small tours amongst the country, then afterwards once we finished what we started, eventually a world tour. Myles was ready to call every promoting opportunity we had, while Ray, Craig and I settled on places to tour. In the meantime, I also had to figure out whether or not this was going to be a family trip or not. And if it was, would Mariah even be ready for something like this? Could I handle her, on a plane, away from all that she knew and into something different? So many questions, with very little answers.

My work day was coming to an end. I was on my way out the buidling, when Angela stopped me. There was a mug in her left hand and a stack of paperwork in her right. Her heels clacked with every step she took, making her hips swivel as well.

"Good evening, Mr. Perez!"

Her smile could illuminate the foyer.

"Hello Angela."

"I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to celebrate with you, but happy belated birthday, sir."

"Thanks and yeah, I did miss you at the party."

"You missed me?"

Quickly being embarrassed by my choice of words, my cheeks burned. I knew they had turned red, noticing so did Angela's. There was a slight awkward silence before I coughed and mumbled a few syllables. She pressed a finger against my lips and shushed me.

"Mr. Perez, you're single and I am too. Why don't we have dinner some time?"

"D-D-Dinner? You want to have..."

"Dinner. Yes, I'm asking you if you want to have dinner some time."

Astonished by her bold behavior, I simply nodded. At this time, Ray and Craig both were exiting the elevator.

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