Chapter Ten - Letting Fear Win

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Jack wakes up with his body pressed against Mark and immediately breathes a sigh of relief. He slept, he's with Mark... everything is good. At least, that's what he thinks until he attempts to move. A deep ache resides in every muscle, as though he had run a marathon the night before, and he groans softly. Mark holds him a little tighter, gently scratching his short brown hairs.

"You okay?" he murmurs.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Jack replies quietly.

Mark nods, humming contentedly as he nuzzles against the villain and kisses the shell of his ear. "If you ever need to talk to someone, I'm right here."

"I know."

The hero smiles and presses his lips to Jack's jaw. "Good. Now, I'd love to lie here and kiss you all day, but I have work to do."

"How unfortunate," the Irishman replies with a chuckle. "I'll be up in a few minutes. Go do work like a responsible adult."

"Aww, I don't like being an adult," Mark whines, his eyes sparkling as his voice becomes singsongy. "I wanna stay here with you because I love you~"


"Okay, I'm getting up. See you as soon as you drag your butt out of bed."

Jack grins as Mark pulls himself up and tousles his already messy hair. "I love you," the Irishman calls after him. The hero turns, winks at him, and slips through the doorway.

As soon as Mark is gone, the smile that had so easily adorned Jack's face slowly falls away. His attention returns almost instantly to the tender, aching bruises that cover his chest and back. He had been so panicked and exhausted yesterday that he hadn't even bothered to check his injuries when he went to change. He had avoided the mirror in the bathroom like poison.

Biting back a cry of pain, he pulls himself out of bed and walks slowly to the ensuite. Upon glancing in the mirror, his first observation is that Mark's shirt is way too big on him. It smells like the hero, however, so Jack finds that he doesn't mind at all. He shuts his eyes before pulling it off, to hide the tears of pain that prick at his eyes and to hide his own body from him. As soon as it's off he tosses the shirt aside and looks at his reflection, only to bite back a sob.

Only about 1/3 of his skin is a normal colour. The rest of it looks like an artist spilled their paints on his body and left the stain behind. In some places, he can distinguish the pattern from the bottom of a boot or a clear fist mark. In other places, the spots have been beaten over so many times that it's simply a massive blotch of colour on a pale white canvas. His scars show through the bruises, as white streaks to break up the monotony of black and purple and green and red.

As fast as he can without causing himself too much agony, he pulls Mark's shirt back on and leaves the room, wiping tears from his cheeks as he goes. In the dining room, Mark sits with a mug of coffee in hand and a map sprawled out in front of him.

"Coffee is in the pot," he comments when he hears Jack walk in. The moment he glances up, concern floods his features. "Hey, are you okay?"

The Irishman takes a deep breath and nods, grabbing his own mug of coffee without saying another word. Mark looks back to his map, but can only focus for a second before his attention flits back to the villain.

"Jack, come on. We've been doing this since you got here. Can't you just tell me so I can help you?"

Before Jack can say anything, Phil strolls into the kitchen. He blinks a few times at seeing the villain standing there, but easily shrugs it off and moves past him in order to make tea. Jack glances at him before stepping forward and accidentally ramming his hip into the counter, causing him to yelp. Mark stands to help, but the Irishman waves him off, laughing breathlessly at his own silliness.

"What the hell, Jack..." the hero asks, trying not to laugh.

"I'm blind in one eye, Mark. My peripheral vision is awful," the villain replies. Laughing and clumsiness makes it easier to avoid the topic of breaking Mark's heart. Jack nearly breathes a sigh of relief when he sits beside the hero and the topic of tears and Jack are dropped. Phil glances at them as he moves back to his room with his tea in hand.

"What are you working on?" the Irishman asks, leaning over Mark's shoulder to look at his map. San Francisco is drawn on the page, labels on all the important buildings, attack sites, rebel group hideouts, and bases. Mark's own writing accompanies the labels in the form of notes about certain groups or sites.

"We're trying to map out the entire city so that it's easier to coordinate our attacks and lower our risk of civilian and hero casualties. We're also hoping to get floor plans from some of the more important buildings, such as the NAI building, so we can hopefully get in and..." He pauses, biting his lip as he glances at Jack. "Free San Francisco."

Jack hums as he thinks, leaning back slowly in his chair. "If your end goal is getting rid of the boss and freeing San Fran, I'm more than willing to help."

Mark's eyes widen. "Really!?"

"I mean, nobody knows the NAI building better than a villain, so who better to help you get the floor plan than me? And if we coordinate, the sooner the people of San Francisco are free and we can move on with our lives."

The hero beams. "You're the best, Jack."

"Aww, thanks," the villain replies, reaching over and squeezing his knee.

Mark's smile lingers for a moment longer before falling away, his eyes filling with an all-too-familiar look. Jack knows it because it's the same look he gets every time he avoids the topic of his bruises or the reason behind his panic the night before. His stomach bubbles with guilt, but he says nothing.

Why do you love me? he wants to demand. Why do you still care about me despite the fact that I've killed people who were better than me? My injuries will only confirm that I'm not worthy of love, so why do you want to see them so badly?

"I can go get the floor plan right now if—" Jack begins, but Mark abruptly cuts him off.

"You're not leaving yet. I'm sorry, Jack, but you look like you're in pain all the time. Just take one day of rest. One. That's all I'm asking." Mark smiles weakly, cocking his head to one side. "Please?"

The villain opens his mouth to protest, but soon closes it again. There's no point in arguing with the hero. One day isn't too big of a demand and unlike the boss, Cry won't beat him if he doesn't show up.

"One day off work. Okay," Jack whispers.

Mark's smile returns and he leans over, pressing a grateful kiss to his lips. Jack kisses back, although he wishes his heart didn't break along the way. He wants to tell Mark about what happened, but he's so scared. Any one of these kisses could be his last.  Seeing the marks could make the hero realize that Jack isn't worth the pain and toil anymore.

How is he supposed to show Mark the damage the boss did without losing him?

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