Chapter Fifty-Six - Rehabilitation

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It takes a full day for Mark and Jack to wake up and stay awake. Occasionally one will wake up but stay right beside the other until they fall asleep again, and sometimes they'll wake up and stumble their way to the washroom before returning to the other's side. After an attempt to separate them that sent Jack into a full-blown panic, the heroes and rebels leave them be until they're ready to move around and talk to anyone else again. They move from the couch to their bedroom, but that's the extent of their activity.

Eventually, Mark pulls himself out of bed. He hates leaving Jack, who's tangled in blankets and fast asleep, but he'd rather talk to Matthias while the villain is asleep as opposed to when he's awake. At least if he's asleep, he won't go anywhere while Mark is gone.

Heart already racing, he wraps a blanket around his shoulders and shuffles down the hallway to Matthias' office. His cuts don't hurt anymore thanks to Phil, but the anxious knot in his chest is still so bad when he's not at Jack's side. At least the blanket makes him feel a little better.

"Matthias?" he calls, his voice soft and a bit scratchy from not being used for anything louder than a whisper.

Matthias opens his office door, his eyes brightening when he sees Mark standing there in front of him. "Mark, you're up! Come inside!"

He gestures him in and Mark tries not to flinch at his hand movements. He steps inside and settles in the chair the other hero pulls up for him, absentmindedly pulling his blanket a little bit closer.

"So, what's up?" Matthias asks, sitting across from him in his desk chair.

"Um... I just wanted to let you know that it's not the villain's fault that we got captured," Mark says. "And I think we should go through with our plan soon. Like, in a week from now."

Matthias runs his thumb over his chin. "With the state Jack was in, I figured it wasn't the villain's doing..." He pauses, his brows furrowing. "A week, Mark? Are you sure we're ready?  Are you sure you're ready?"

"Positive. We've been planning for months and the longer we wait, the more risk there is. Mr. Vincent is..." Mark shudders and tugs his blanket closer. "...merciless."

"Alright. We'll have a meeting and talk with the others, but I think you have a good idea." Matthias smiles lightly. "It's good to see you up again, Mark. You and Jack gave us a good scare the other day."

The corner of Mark's mouth turns up slightly. "It's good to be up." It's a lie, of course. Mark would rather hide in his room with Jack pressed against his side than talk to anyone at all, but Matthias doesn't need to know that. "I'm going to head back to my room, but when you want to have a meeting you can come and get us."

"Alright. Talk to you later, Mark."

Mark nods and gets up, waving at Matthias before slipping from the room. As soon as the door of the office closes behind him, he scurries back to his room and climbs into bed, scooting close to Jack and taking a deep breath. At the contact Jack's fingers tighten around Mark's waist, nuzzling just a little bit closer. With his ear pressed to the villain's chest, Mark can hear his pulse going much faster than it should be.

"I'm right here," Mark murmurs. He exhales, his heart slowing gradually. "It's okay."

Jack's eyes open slowly, taking in the hero beside him. He takes a moment to breathe before shifting and pressing his face to Mark's neck, kissing his skin. "Hi."

"Hi," Mark replies. "Nightmare?"

"Yeah.  You interrupted it, though. Why is your heart racing?"

"I went and talked to Matthias."


Mark exhales, his very bones filled with an exhaustion that sleep doesn't seem to fix. Jack's hand snakes under his shirt and rests on his pectorals, right over his brand new scar. 

"I haven't looked at them yet.  Are they bad?" Mark asks, his fingers trailing into the villain's hair as gently as he can.

"They're fine," Jack replies. "You look sexy with scars."

"Aww, thanks."

"No problem, boo. I'm just really glad I get to enjoy you."

Mark huffs a laugh and tilts Jack's head up in order to press a kiss to his lips. The villain kisses back, and when they separate he buries his face in Mark's neck again.

"I think I know how you feel now, with the anxiety and stuff," Mark says, wrapping one arm around Jack while keeping his other hand in the villain's hair. "I'm so impressed that you've been able to even function your whole life."

"You'll get better, Mark. It just takes time," Jack replies.

"You'll get better too."

"Marginally, maybe." The villain shrugs a bit, tracing the scar beneath his hand. "I've got too much baggage to be completely okay."

"That's totally fine. We'll make progress every day, and once this is all over we can get a therapist."

Jack nearly laughs. "I feel bad for the poor person who has to listen to our extensive list of issues."

"So, what's the problem?" Mark asks, imitating the voice of a woman. He then switches to a rather terrible Irish accent. "Oh, nothin' much lass. We've jus' killed people and watched our mates get killed, t'as all."

Jack giggles softly and starts up with an equally terrible American accent. "And then we got tortured and it was not a knee-slapping good time, dude."

Mark laughs his first actual laugh since they got back to the base. "Dude."

Jack grins and kisses the hero's cheek. "I think we're gonna be just fine." 

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