Chapter Sixty-One - The End of an Era

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Mark wakes up in a tangle of limbs, his eyes struggling to adjust to the room around him. Jack is wrapped around him, his head tucked beneath the hero's chin as his steady breaths tickle Mark's skin. The American blinks a few times before reaching for his side table, fumbling for his glasses. He barely wears them, most of the time opting for contacts or nothing at all, but his eyes are simply too tired today. The world slips into clarity as he pushes them on, and a moment later he wraps Jack in his arms again.

The villain mumbles incoherently and brushes his nose against the hero's collarbone. Mark nuzzles at his hair, his eyes threatening to slip shut again.

"Hi," Mark murmurs.

"Hi," Jack replies just as softly.

The hero traces his thumb back and forth over the villain's spine, pressing gentle kisses to his hair and face. Jack leans into his touch, reciprocating the kisses with his own pressed to Mark's throat.

Despite the calm mood of the morning, Mark can't help but remember the disaster that was yesterday. They failed in their attempts to take back the institute. Anti is back. Mr. Vincent is more ruthless than he was before. Jack panicked worse than he has in a long time and it broke Mark's heart. The hero exhales and turns his head so his cheek is resting on top of Jack's hair, wanting to forget but just can't.

Jack runs his hand down Mark's side, biting his lip. After a moment of silence, he sighs. "You're being awfully quiet, Mark. I'm pretty sure I know why, but I want you to know that you can talk to me."

The hero says nothing for a few seconds, just breathes. "I know. I just... have a lot of thoughts."

Jack tucks his face against Mark's neck, a shuddering breath escaping him. "I get it. I heard everything that happened yesterday, but saw nothing."

Mark becomes quiet again, his hold on Jack tightening ever so slightly. "I don't... want you to run away. I'm terrified that after something like that fight, you'll leave because you don't want to be a burden but you're not a burden."

"I know that. You convinced me of that last night and you've been convincing me of that since we started dating."

The faintest of smiles pulls at Mark's lips and he turns his head, pressing a kiss to Jack's hair. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Jack kisses his cheek and Mark smiles. "Hey, on a separate note, Phil thinks he can fix your eye permanently, but I want to talk about that over coffee."

"Okay," Jack replies, hesitancy showing on his face for a moment. "Are you going to shower?"

Mark pulls himself up and ruffles his already messy hair. "Nah, you can have the shower. I'll make the coffee."

Jack sits up as well and turns Mark's head slightly in order to press a kiss to his lips. The hero smiles into the kiss and runs his thumb across Jack's jaw.

"Stop being distracting," he murmurs. "Or we'll never leave this bed."

"Mm, sorry, couldn't help myself," Jack replies with a grin. Mark chuckles and stands, pulling on a t-shirt and pyjama pants while Jack flops back against the pillows. "I'll be out in a bit. Give me, like, ten minutes."

"You got it," Mark replies.

With that, the hero heads down the hallway towards the living area. Felix sits curled up in a chair, watching the TV with a blank expression and a cup of something hot wrapped up in his fingers. Phil is at the table, pen in hand and paper in front of him, while a mug of tea steams beside him. Matthias is nowhere to be seen, but Mark figures he's probably in his office. It's only the four heroes and Jack in this entire base, and the emptiness seems to descend on Mark in a way that it hasn't done in a very long time.

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