Chapter Forty-Five - Return of the Anti-Heroes

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The relationship between Jack and Red improves after that, although they still prefer to avoid each other whenever possible. Every day, they get closer to executing their plan and freeing the villains and San Francisco. However, the suspicions following Hudson's shooting still stand, and eventually Matthias sends the heroes, rebels, and Jack out on patrol to check activity levels among the pro-NAI groups and the other rebel groups.

"Phil, Lili, you know the drill. If anything happens, you two step back and get ready to work your magic. The rest of you, keep your eyes open and yourselves unsuspicious," Matthias orders into their earpieces.

Mark and Jack walk side by side, wearing regular clothing to help hide their identities, while the others walk ahead of them. The hero keeps his fingers intertwined with Jack's, both of them remaining silent. On the other side of the street, a rebel group crouches in the shadows, watching them pass but making no move to stop them or find out who they are. Gunshots echo in the distance, followed by faint shouting. A group of three, two girls and a guy who all sport NAI badges on their sleeves, hurry across the street and duck into a nearby building.

"Levels of activity look pretty average," Felix whispers, his voice amplified by the tech in their ears.

"Hang in there a moment. We can't know so soon, and everyone out here seems a bit skittish," Matthias replies.

"I'm picking up activity on the street cams," Gunner chimes in. "They're definitely not regular people... Who are those guys? They're causing chaos a block over from where you are. It looks like they're using flamethrowers to light cars on fire."

Jack glances over at Mark, whose eyes are wide as he squeezes the villain's hand a little tighter. The hero says nothing, but the shadow that enters his eyes tells Jack that it's not good.

"Mark?" the Irishman asks, nudging him lightly with his shoulder.

"Anti-heroes. They're most likely coaxing us out of hiding, but I don't know why," Mark replies, glancing at Jack momentarily.

The villain frowns. "We shouldn't go over there if they're baiting us."

"You may not have a choice. Innocent civilians are in danger," Gunner says.

Felix curses and starts running down the street, the other heroes and rebels close behind. Mark and Jack glance at each other again before starting to run as well, Jack struggling to keep his speed under control.

"You're going really slow," Mark comments with a small grin. "I think you could go faster if you really tried..."

"Don't tempt me, sir," Jack replies, straining to keep his feet from going faster. "I don't want to ditch you but I'm really struggling here."

Jack manages to run at normal human speeds until they reach the site where the anti-heroes are. Wade, Ryan, and Arin are all armed with flamethrowers, although the moment the heroes, rebels, and Jack show up they lower them.

"Look who decided to come out of hiding!" Wade exclaims, resting his flamethrower on his shoulder. "Long time no see, heroes. It looks like you have some new friends." His eyes land on Jack. "And some old friends."

"What are you playing at? You're completely absent for months and then all of a sudden, you're lighting cars on fire!" Felix says, gesturing to the vehicles that continue to burn. "Phil, douse those."

The water hero steps forward and nobody makes a move to stop him as he gathers water and extinguishes the fires. While he's busy at work, Wade keeps his attention on Felix.

"The burning cars was simply a way of getting your attention," the anti-hero explains with a sigh. "We don't have a bone to pick with the heroes. We may disagree with the whole 'we need heroes to save us' garbage, but we don't actually want to fight you. What we do want is to bring down the NAI in our own way, and you unfortunately stand between us and that goal."

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