April 18 Pt. 1

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"She's like cold coffee in the morning,

I'm drunk of last night's whiskey and coke,

she'll make me shiver without warning

And make me laugh as if I'm in on the joke."  Cold Coffee - Ed Sheeran

"Ashton? Can I talk to you for a moment?" Ashton nodded, following Luke down the little side corridor of the house. He lead him in front of a closet door and held his arms.

"What did you need to drag me all the way over here for? It's not like there is anyone else here." Ashton teased. Luke's lips stretched up in a smile, revealing the dimple that Ashton adored.

"Oh hush." Luke may have acted confident, but he was shaking with fear. What if Ashton is still mad at him for the other night? It may have been a week ago, but people can still hold grudges. He still held a grudge against a boy in year 7, when he bet the boy he could hold his breath longer. That bastard still owed him five dollars.

"But seriously, what do you need? I have a game paused downstairs." Ashton cocked his head to the side, a curious smirk etched in his face. Luke couldn't help but admire his natural beauty, and get jealous at the thought of anyone else seeing it.

Ashton has been happier this past week. As happy as you can get, knowing that you still have a looming death sentence over your head. The words rang in his mind, without you, there is no me.

Luke felt his pulse quicken and his hands start to sweat. He wondered if he acted like this the first time he asked Ashton. "I was, uh, I was-" He breathed out, "I was wondering if you could... fold laundry with me later." Luke mentally face palmed.

Ashton frowned slightly. "One, we don't fold laundry, we're teenage boys. Two, I cannot fathom why you would take me upstairs to ask me to do a chore with you."

"Oo, fathom,"Luke let go of Ashton's arms and raised his hands to his chest, with a look of shock, "you're just an every day John Green aren't you?"

"Yes, and you are in the presence of the new Albert Einstein. Now if you'll excuse me, the XBOX awaits." Ashton flipped around, ready to walk to the stairs until Luke clutched his arm. He pulled him back to him, closing the gap between them. If it was possible, Luke's heart sped up more. He leaned into Ashton's neck.

This was the closeness Ashton has been begging for since January, and to have it now if like he won the lottery. Or better than that. Tons better than that.

"I think the XBOX can wait. Don't you?" Luke's voice was hot against Ashton's ear, sending chills down his back. Ashton gulped and nodded vigorously.

"Okay!" Luke pecked his cheek (not that Ashton was complaining), and grabbed his hand, leading him down the stairs. Ashton didn't exactly like how Luke teased him like that, but whatever he was doing must be important.

Luke opened Ashton's car door, shutting it when Ashton got in, and slid across the hood like they do in the action flicks. He got in the driver's side and looked at Ashton. He was smiling.

Ashton couldn't deny the fact that he was happy, because right now he felt like he was on cloud 9. Luke kissed him and wasn't weirded out with himself and that, my friend, was progress for him.

Luke liked to see Ashton smile and cherished it when he saw it on the rare occasion. He began to drive the car, out of their neighborhood, down roads Ashton wasn't familiar with. Luke pulled up to a little café in some town Ashton had never heard of. It was small, and very boy-meets-girl cliché. When he got out of the car and smelled the warm scent of cinnamon drifting in the air, he joined Luke's side and sat at an outdoor table. It was cold out, England weather, but it made the café cozier, even on the outside. They sat opposite each other, quiet for a few minutes, soaking in the scenery, before Ashton spoke.

"What is this?" Ashton looked around and saw old structures, layered with amdusting of white snow flakes. The cold nipped at Luke's nose and turned it pink, and Ashton resisted the urge to pepper it with kisses.

"This, Ashton, is our first date part two."


I think this is pretty cute idk bout you guys but I was awwing while writing so

5 comments for next chapter whoo

14 comments on the last chapter? YOu guys are literally insane. thank you so much♡

And the only reason I update this frequently are two reasons: When I have an idea in my head, I write it down really quickly ; I prewrite my chapters. Like usually I have 5 chapters ready to post but since I've been updating so much I have zero but oh well I write a few real quick

Hope you enjoy(:

What do you think is going to happen next? And considering the fact that I spared the Romeo and Juliet ending that I had planned, there will be twice the drama coming up so do not give up no no no



P.S. I know the song doesn't really match the chapter but I really like the song and this is like the only place it would work and yea fkskwxld

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