Chapter 1

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The lives of Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos have undoubtedly improved since they came to Auradon. They have learned the values of being good. They made friends among the hero kids (or HKs). They go to a school where they get proper education. Best of all, they found love. Well, almost all of them.

Mal has been dating Ben ever since she revealed her true feelings for him during his coronation. Evie fell in love with Doug, son of Dopey the Dwarf, and the two bond over shared smarts. Jay has captured the attention of Princess Audrey and they made it official after three dates.

Carlos, however, hasn't found anyone. The one person he is interested in is the daughter of Fairy God Mother, Jane. However, being the shy, timid kind of person, he doesn't know how to confess his feelings for her.

Mal, Evie, and Jay have noticed how Carlos acts around Jane and have been hoping for the day he finally asks her out. Unfortunately, after months on Auradon, it never happened. They decided to confront him about it.

Carlos was alone in his dorm, doing some research on his laptop. His concentration was broken when his best friends barged through the door.

"How did you get in here?" asked Carlos. "I have the key."

"I have magic," said Mal.

"Right," replied Carlos, remembering.

"We need to talk," said Evie.

"About what?" asked Carlos.

"You and Jane," answered Mal.

"W-wh-wh-what about me and J-J-Jane?" stuttered Carlos.

"Ha! Stuttering when thinking about her. You're definitely into her," said Evie.

"What? No! Th-th-that's ridiculous," denied Carlos.

"Remember when we first met? You were a little nervous around me," reminded Evie. "That's exactly how you're acting around Jane. Only, five times more nervous."

"Even if I like Jane, why does it matter?" asked Carlos.

"Carlos, everyone in this room has found someone special, except for you," said Mal.

"So, c'mon, dude. Go for it. Make a move. Ask her out on a date," said Jay. "If you want, I can give you some advice."

"Advice from a thief who is dating a self-absorbed princess? I think I'll pass," replied Carlos.

"Hey, that's my girlfriend you're talking about," said Jay.

"Look, guys, yes, I like Jane, but I just... I don't know how to tell her," said Carlos.

"You're shy, we get that, but so is Jane," said Evie.

"You two compliment each other," said Mal.

"So, why is it still so hard for you to admit to her how you feel?" asked Evie.

Carlos opened his mouth, meaning he was about to say something, but he didn't. His mouth stayed open, but no words came out. He just turned away from his friends and continued with his research.

"We're not going away," said Jay.

Carlos ignored Jay and focused on his research.

"We're still here," said Jay, waving his hand in front of Carlos.

Carlos smacks Jay's arm away and continues typing and reading.

"I think we should go," said Evie.

Mal, Evie, and Jay left the dorm and headed outside.

"Well, that went well," said Jay sarcastically.

"Guys, we can't just let Carlos be alone," said Evie. "He deserved love as much as we do."

"Well, trying to talk him into asking Jane out is not an option anymore," said Jay.

"Mal, what are we gonna do?" asked Evie.

Mal didn't respond. She had a finger on her chin and wearing a mischievous grin on her face. Evie and Jay exchanged nervous looks.

"I don't like it when she does that face," whispered Jay.

"She's planning something bad," whispered Evie.

"I can hear you both," said Mal, causing Evie and Jay to jump in surprise. "And yes, I am planning something bad."

"I'm afraid to ask, but what do you have in mind?" asked Evie.

"We can't talk Carlos into asking out Jane, but what if we force him?" said Mal.

"I don't think that's helpful," replied Evie with a nervous smile.

"I'm not talking about the traditional way of forcing. I'm talking about a love spell," said Mal.

Evie started to smile. She looks at Jay, who was also starting to smile. They both looked at Mal. Their smiles tell her that they agree with her plan.

"Let's get to work," said Mal.

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