Chapter 1: Back Again:

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Your Pov:

*The kids are now toddlers. They are no longer new born babies.*

            The calm before the storm is now over. Everything is about to change. Why? Well,  because life doesn't come without challenges. The question isn't whether we are strong enough to handle them because we are strong enough. The real question is are you going to believe in yourself? Are you going to trust other's enough to help you, if you need it?

              As for me, I have never really believed in myself because of my father and I never was really able to trust anyone. So, believing in myself and trusting people is still hard today. Now that I have Ciel, I should be able to trust him and I do but, is it enough?

           "(Y/N)? Are you ok? What are you writing" Ciel calls. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just writing in the journal that you gave me" you reply back.

           "Are you sure" he asks and you nod. "Ok. If your sure" he says as he places his arm around you. You cuddle up with him as you breath in his sent of cinnamon and lavender. "Ciel, I love you" you say.

             "I love you too (Y/N)." Ciel replies as he smiles at you. "But, the kids want us so, we better get going (Y/N)" Ciel continues and you nod again as you both get up and head to the kids room.

            "Hey (S/N) and (D/N)" you coo to them as you pick up (D/N) and Ciel picks up (S/N). "Wow. You guys are getting big. Yes, you are" Ciel says to (S/N) in a baby voice.

              You giggle at the sight but, a knock on the door interrupts the sweet moment. Ciel sighs and puts (S/N) back in his crib. Then he heads outside and out to the front door. 'I wonder you it is.' Though you didn't know it. You would soon find out who was at the door

Ciel's Pov:

              'This better be important' I say to myself as I open the door. " Abberline? What are you doing here" I ask the detective in shock. "I came here to warn you Ciel. The gang that killed your wife's mother is on the loose and we have reasons to believe that they are after your wife" Abberline replied sadly.

           My eyes widen in shock. "No. I will not let them take (Y/N) away from me. She is the love of my life" I respond with that special fire in my voice. Abberline nods and says, "I understand. We will help you catch them but, I have to go back to the office for a little bit, so I just wanted to warn you to stay on your gaurd." I nod and Abberline leaves.

               'Now, the only question is, how am I going to tell my wife?' "Ciel, is everything ok? You seem a little pale" (Y/N) say to me. "Yeah, I'm fine." I respond.

               "Just need to catch my breath" I continue.  All of a sudden, worry sparkles in her eyes. "Are you having an asthma attack again" she asks. "No honey. I'm fine, I promise" I respond as I caress her cheek.

            Eventually, the worry is replaced with love and happiness. 'If only she knew' I say to myself.  I place a strained smile on my face, hoping she doesn't notice.  "Who was at the door Ciel" she asked in her beautiful and stunning voice. This is where that beautiful smile would go into hiding, where she would start to shut down because one of her biggest nightmares is about to come true.

Your Pov:

             You just stand there waiting for Ciel to gather his thoughts. "It was Abberline" he eventually responded. "The detective" you questioned and he nodded. "What did he want" you asked and as you did, Ciel seemed to flinch. 'There was something that was hard to tell me, meaning that it was something bad' you thought to yourself.

             "Ciel" you continue to question. "It was about....." Ciel struggled to say. "About what" you asked. "Luke and his gang. They escaped from jail and they think they might be coming after us" Ciel replied. As you heared that, your blood ran cold. You couldn't even feel your feet on the floor. It was everything went into slow motion.

               "Honey......., babe......, love......, (Y/N)........" Ciel said. Eventually, you start to focus on Ciel again. "When are they coming" you ask, your voice horse. "We don't know but, I promise that nothing or nobody will hurt you, love. Not while I'm around." Ciel replies, the fire in his voice returning.

            You nod and give him a strained smile. "Ok, I'll go check on the kids" you say and Ciel sighs but, nods. 'Is this really happening? Are my nightmares coming true?' you thought to yourself as you head to the kids room.

Ciel's Pov:

               'She's shutting everyone out and shutting down. I hate to see her like this. Hopefully, this will all be over soon and she can get back to normal' I thought to myself. Then I too go to the  kids room, following after her.


               Hey guys. Here is chapter on of Love and War. I hope you like it and the next chapter will hopefully be out soon. I'll see you guys there. Bye! ~StephaniePost.

Q.O.T.D. (Question of the Day):

"What do you think will happen to you and Ciel in the next chapter?"

My Answer:

"Can I ask a friend? Lol."

To be continued....

Love and War: A Ciel x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now