Chapter 5: The Red Grim Reaper:

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Your Pov:

Ciel and I both rushed downstairs just in time to see a someone running up to Sebastian but, Sebastian moved just in time so, that someone hit the wall. This 'person' was dressed in all red from head to toe and had some kind of wepon with him. 'A chainsaw?' "Oh Bassy, where for art thou Bassy?" the strange 'person' asked. Sebastian and Ciel both rolled they're eyes while I looked on in confusion.

"What are you doing here Grell?" Ciel asked the red head. "Oh, the to die list as usaul but, more importantly to see Bassy." Grell replied batting 'his' eyes at Sebastain. Ciel and Sebastian's eyes both widened.

"What is it? What is the to die list?" I finally asked and the red head turned his head toward my derection, almost startled. "Him being here means that someone in this vicinity is going to die. The to die list tells him who and where it is going to take place so he can collect thier souls." Sebastian explained.

I look at Ciel, even more confused than before and he must have noticed too because when I did, he said, "Grell is a grim reaper. He collects souls of the dying." I nod, now finally able to piece things together. "So, your telling me that both demons and grim reapers exist?" I ask and Ciel nods.

"Anything eles?" I ask, bitting my lip. "Angles also exsit as well as fallen angles and demon hounds. In fact pluto is a demon hound but, I assure you that my master and the servents are human." Sebastian explains and I nod again.

"(Y/N)?" Ciel calls and I look at him. "Yes Ciel?" "Are you ok?" Ciel asks, worry and what spund like fear dripped from his voice.

"I'm fine Ciel. As I said before, it's just going to take some getting use to, that's all." I respond carefully as Grell start to glare at me. "And just who is she?" Grell asks.

"This is (Y/N), she is my wife. (Y/N), this is Grell Sutcliffe." Ciel says. "So, the brat got married. Never thought I'd see the day." Grell replies, staring at you with a new found intrest.

"Yes, well no one asked ypur opinion, did they?" Ciel asks, quite irritated. You hold his hand lightly and he calms down immediately. Sebastain just holds his usaul smirk, watching the scene unfold. After awhile, things started to calm down but, as the night progressed, you became even more curious as to who was going to die. Who was on the to die list?

Normally, you would just ask but, this time, you decided against it. You were nervous. What if it was you or Ciel? What if it was your dad, who was on vacation or one of the servants of the manor, who you became close friends with? "Who is the one you are supposed to kill tonight?" You ask.

As you begin you come back to reality you realize that Ciel, Sebastian, and Grell were in a conversation but, now they look at you in shock. You blush and Grell just smiles creepily at you with razor sharp teeth and answers with, "A few people actually. Luke Mitchell, Tyler Adams, and Gabriel Smith." You sigh in relief at know your nightmare eould so be over. Then, there was a knock on the door and you know was the time to face your nightmare. "They're here." was all you said as everyone, including yourself, faced the door.


Hey guys. Sorry the chapters are really slow lately especially this one. I guess that is just guaranteed with a busy life. I extended the Q and A with Ciel so, you still have till the end of the month to get questions in. I promise that I will try to get the chapters out as soon as I possibly can but, if even if they are a little late, I will try not to make them this late again.

I'm so sorry. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll see you all in the next one. Bye! ~StephaniePost.

Q.O.T.D or (Question of the Day):

"If you were a grim reaper, what would you look like? Why would you want to look like that?"

My Answer:

     "I would want to wear a blue cape with a pink outfit so, I would be like cotton candy. My death scythe would look kind of like a sword with a snow wolf on the end."

To be continued....

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