Chapter 6: The Final Battle:

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Ciel's Pov:

       "They're here," (Y/N) called and it brought a chill down my spine. This was it. There was no going back. It's time to end them once and for all. "Sebastian, let them in." I said and Sebastian opened the door.

        Once the door was open, Grell disappeared and the fight was upon us. Luke had taken out a dagger and head right for (Y/N). I pointed my gun at his head while Sebastian delt with Gabe and Tyler.  'We got this.' I thought to myself confidently.

          However, what I wasn't expecting Luke laughing. It mad me mad as I grind my teeth in irritation. 'How dare he laugh' I growled to myself.  "What's so funny." I spit out as I see (Y/N) shaking in fear in the corner of my eye.

        "You actually think you can defeat us?" Luke asked smugly.  I glare him and he just laughs harder. "I will protect my wife with my life so, unless you kill me, you will loose and killing me is a hard task. " I reply with hate in my voice. Luke sighs and says, "I assure you, we are defenitly up for that task."

         I roll my eyes. "Your funeral." I reply. By this time, Sebastian had already knocked out Gabe and Tyler. "Have any last words?" Sebastian asks darkly. Luke thinks for a minute, then turns to (Y/N).

        "Yes. I do. Good luck with your husband. Though you really don't deserve him. I think even a dumb girl like you has realized that. Just know, time with him is short because you will soon meet the same sticky end that your mother did. Did you hear me?I might not be able to do it but, you will meet the same sticky ----" Luke said but, Sebastian pounded his head in before he could finsh.

(Y/N)'s Pov:

        Shaking with fear, I flinch as Sebastian pounds Luke's head in. Ciel then rushes over and hugs me. Running a hand through my (h/l) (h/c) hair and whispering sweet nothings in my ear, trying to calm me down. "It's ok. They're gone now. I promise they will never hurt you ever again." Ciel coos.

         I start to calm down and Grell suddenly reapears. "Missed me bassy?" He asks Sebastian as he takes their cinematic records. "You wish...." Sebastian mutters under his breath. I giggle lightly as Ciel rolls his eyes. Finally, the battle was done but, only one question remains. Who won?


                   I'M NOT DEAD! I PROMISE!

        Omg! It's been almost 3 months since I last updated! I am so so sorry. Hopefully this will never happen again. So, guess what? I was ranked for both this story and Stay With Me! Thank you guys so much for that!!

        I couldn't have done it without you! You guys are amazing! Anyway, I also wanted to let you know that the Q and A with Ciel has been closed. I will be posting it at the end of this book. Thanks for all your questions and I will see you all in the next chapter. Bye! ~StephaniePost.

Q.O.T.D or (Question of the Day):

       "If you could live in any anime, what anime would it be and why?"

My Answer:

"Black Butler. Obviously. I would want to live in Black Butler because I would get to meet all the characters and be with Ciel. ❤"

To be continued....

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