Chapter 3: Luke's Arival:

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Your Pov:

*A few hours later*

           All was quiet in the Manor. Sebastian and the servants were cooking dinner. (S/N) and  (D/N) were playing with their toys. You, (Y/M), and Ciel were just talking and drinking tea. That was until a knock was heard at the front door. That knock put you all on edge. 'Was it Abberline or is it Luke and his gang who were coming after you and now your family as well?'

         Sebastian when to the door and opened it but, no one was there. 'Strange' you thought. 'Then who was knocking at the door?' All of a sudden, you felt a knife to your throat. You tried to warn Ciel but, it was no use. As soon as Ciel turned around, he turned as pale as a ghost. Though, he recovered quickly.

          "Luke...." Ciel said with as much hatred in his voice that he could muster. He was practically growling at him. It was quite scary actually. "Phantomhive" Luke said happily. "Get away from my wife or you'll regret it" Ciel growled.

          "I doubt that" Luke said sumgly, tighting the kinfe on your throat, making you gag. Ciel clenched his fist at this. "Sebastian" Ciel yelled and instantly, the butler in black was at his side. "Yes, young master" Sebastian asked. " Save (Y/N)! This is an order" Ciel yelled. Sebastian bowed and said, "Yes, young mas---" but, before he could finish he was intrupted by Luke's laughter.

         "Stay out of this demon! This isn't your fight" Luke argued. 'Demon? What is he talking about' you asked yourself. Ciel and Sebastian's eyes widened in shock but, were quickly replaced.

        "Young master? What should we do now" Sebastian asked. "Well, there is no point in hiding it now but, my order remains the same. Save (Y/N)" Ciel replies. Sebastian nods and his eyes turn bright pink.

          "So, you're smart enough to figure out my secret but, it seems pretty stupid of you to coming wandering in here when you know what you know" Sebastain says to Luke who is now slightly shivering.  'Wait, so Sebastian is a demon and Ciel---' your eyes widen in shock and fear as you look between Sebastian and Ciel. Ciel notices this but, remains calm. "It's alright, love. They won't be able to hurt you" Ciel says, trying to calm you down. Suddenly you're anger at Ciel (for not telling you and lying to you) and Sebastian (for making this contact in the first place) was to great for you to handle as everything fit into place.

           "I know they won't be able to hurt me Ciel but, what I'm not so sure is are you?! Is Sebastian" You yell at him, making Luke back up in fear and run away. The hurt in Ciel's eyes was great. He loved you and he hated that you were mad at him. He walked towards you slowly, trying not to startle you.

         "(Y/N), please. Just believe me. I never wanted to hurt you. I'll explain everything if you just let me. Please" Ciel begged, trying to keep in his tears. You just shook your head and ran off. You were so hurt and so confused that you could handle being around them right now.

          Ciel tried to go after you but, Sebastian held him back. "Let her have some time to process this, my lord. She'll come around eventually" Sebastian said as he held the young lord tightly. Ciel just started to cry, ran to his room, and locked the door. Everything was crumbling around you.

Ciel's Pov:

          'What have I done?! I hurt the only thing that I care about in this hellish world and now I might loose her forever' I thought to myself as I cried. 'If I lost her I don't think I could live with myself. I have to get her back but, how? She probably hates my guts and right now, I don't blame her. I'm such a terrible person.'

(Y/M)'s Pov:

           'My poor lady. It's like the world is always against her. I hope her and Lord Phantomhive make up soon. They are perfect for each other and I've never seen my lady so happy before' I think to myself as I sigh and go to try and find Lady (Y/N). 'I just hope she's alright.'

Sebastian's Pov:

          'I have never seen my lord this upset before. It actually hurts me. I kind of feel like a father figure to the poor boy. My 'human' side feels bad for him but, my demon side feels like he brought this upon himself. What to do' I keep asking myself this as I walk to his room and knock on the door.

           "Are you alright, my lord" I ask him, concern leaking from my voice. He doesn't answer but, his crying becomes louder. I try to open the door but, it's locked. 'I could just use my key to open the door but, I feel like that would make the young lord more upset, which I don't want. What to do?'


           Hey guys. Sorry about the chapter being shorter then usual but, don't worry. Another chapter will be out shortly. Also, it's almost Febuaray. Which means almost 2 years on Wattpad. Stay tuned for that celebration. One last thing before I go.

         We now have over 200 views on this story and 1.95k views (or at last last time I checked) on Stay With Me! That's insane! Thank you all so much for everything! Anyway, I'll see you all in the next chapter. Bye! ~StephaniePost.

Q.O.T.D or (Question of the Day):

"What is one thing you wish you could change about you life, if you could and why?"

My Answer:

"Being in a foster family because I would much rather be living with my grandfather again."

To be continued....

Love and War: A Ciel x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now