Chapter 8: Forgiveness:

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Your Pov:

     "Ciel...." you sigh, drawing circles on Ciel's bare chest with your finger. "Yes baby?" He asks, rubbing your back soothingly as you both lay in bed. "I know I said I forgive you about the whole demon thing but, can we at least talk about it?" You ask softly, now sitting up.

     "Sure love....." Ciel replies awkwardly, looking down at the white bedsheets. "So, you summoned Sebastian, I don't want to know how, but you summoned him. What I really want to know is why?"

"Well, before met you. Even before I met Sebastian. I was a normal kid. I had two parents, a dog, and a great life. I couldn't be more happier. However, then one day, all of that changes." Ciel start to explain and you frown.

"What do you mean things changed?" You ask and Ciel sighs. "On that fateful day, my 10th birthday, I witnessed something horrible. My parents were killed, my dog was killed, and my home was burned to the ground. If that wasn't enough, I was kidnapped and brought to a cult where they beat and toured me. I was treated like an animal." Ciel explains, tears running down his face.

"So, I wanted to get revenge on the people who hurt me and my family. I summoned Sebastian so, that he could help me get the revenge that I craved so badly. However, then I met the love of my life at this ball and she stopped me right in my tracks. I know I can't break the contract and I won't but, just know that I love you and that what I did, I did it because I felt unloved and tossed aside like a useless piece of trash." Ciel continues as he wipes a few tears from your eyes.

You hug him tightly and kiss him. Now that you knew the truth, you felt bad for him and you knew that you would have to protect him, no matter what. Even if it's from himself. "I'll protect you Ciel and don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I love you so much. Never forget that." You say to him and he hugs back, smirking softly.

"I love you too baby. Now, come on. Let's get some sleep. We have a long day tomorrow." Ciel replies, kissing your forehead. Yawning, you lay your head back on Ciel's chest. At them at moment, you knew that this is where you belong.

This was you're home and you would protect it with you're life.


     Hey guys! Almost done with another part to this lovely series! One more chapter and then we are off to The Return of Elizabeth. I can't wait! Hope you all enjoyed. See you in the next chapter! Bye! ~StephaniePost.

Q.O.T.D or (Question or the Day):

     "What are you hoping will happen in The Return of Elizabeth?"

My Answer:

Elizabeth's return. Duh.

To be concluded.....

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