2 Years on Wattpad Special: Q and A with Ciel:

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Interviewer's Pov:

"Hellooooo Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to a once in a lifetime opportunity! We are going to be interviewing both Ciel Phantomhive and his wife, (Y/N)!" The interviewer announces.

*The audience cheers and claps loudly*

"May I just say, it is a pleasure having you both here today." The interviewer continues.

(Y/N): It's lovely to be here.

Ciel: Yeah. It's not like I was forced to do this or anything...

*(Y/N) chuckles nervously*

"Anyway, it seems like your fans didn't have any questions for you or your wife, my lord." The interviewer says.

*Ciel rolls his eyes*

Ciel: Bunch of cowards.....

*(Y/N) puts a hand on Ciel's shoulder to calm him down and he does.*

*The audience awwws at the cuteness*

"But, good news! We have premade questions for you as well!" The interviewer says.

(Y/N): Sounds like fun.

"Yes. Let's get started. The first one is for Ciel. What was running through your mind when you first met (Y/N)?" The interviewer asks.

Ciel: I was thinking that she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I wanted to sweep her off her feet. So, Sebastian made me ask her to dance. He called me a coward when I said no. So, I just did it in spite of him. I wasn't expecting her rejection though. Most people want to dance with me. Then she ran away...

*(Y/N) blushes brightly and nervously fidgets with her hands*

"Yes, and how did her running away make you feel?" The interviewer asks.

Ciel: I was heartbroken. This beautiful girl was always just out of my reach.

*(Y/N) tears up slightly*

(Y/N): Aww. Ciel...

*Ciel blushes slightly*

"Ok. Next question is for (Y/N). Just how romantic is Ciel?" The interviewer asks.

(Y/N): A lot more then you'd think, actually. In fact, for our 5th date, Ciel took me to Pairs. He got us a hotel right on the water. He even poured red rose petals on our bed when I was in the bathroom.

*The audience awws again and both Ciel and (Y/N) blush brightly*

"Awww. That's so sweet! Ok, on to the next question. This one is for Ciel. You have two kids named (S/N) and (D/N), right?" The interviewer asks.

*Ciel nods*

"What are their personalities like as they age up into children?" The interviewer asks.

Ciel: Well, (S/N) is very protective of (D/N). He is also a goofball. He loves to make everyone, especially his sister, laugh. However, he is very cautious and doesn't trust people easily. He likes to be alone a lot of the time and can be quite cold but, once you get to know him, his loving, caring, and as I said, an absolute goofball. As for (D/N), she is very shy and scared. She is also very small. Always has been, ever since she was born. She loves her family and always wants to be around them. She is definitely scared of strangers but, she is an absolute angel. She is a great listener and never gets into trouble. (S/N) loves to play video games and go on his computer while (D/N) loves to sing and do makeup. While they do have their fights every now and then, they really do love each other. (D/N) is really soft-spoken and sweet but, she's quiet so, she doesn't say much unless she trusts you. As for (S/N), he is also very quiet but, he is not soft spoken. He will do whatever it takes to protect his sister, his family, and the people he cares about.

*Ciel realizes that he's rambling and stop talking and starts to blush brightly*

Ciel: A--And that's about it... S--Sorry...

"Not at all. It seems like you really love your kids" The interviewer comments.

Ciel: I do. We both do.

*(Y/N) smiles and nods in agreement*

"That's great! I'm afraid we are running out of time though. However, we have time for one last question. (Y/N), this question is for you. How does it feel to be the wife of Ciel Phantomhive?" The interviewer asks curiously.

(Y/N): Well, like anyone marrying their soulmate, I guess. Ciel is my soulmate. While he can be cold and cruel at times, he is sweet and adorable in others. I love him and any of his flaws he may have. We were made for each other and I couldn't have asked for a better partner in life.

*The audience awws yet again and Ciel blushes before kissing (Y/N)'s cheek*

Ciel: I'd have to agree, love. I couldn't have asked for a better partner in life. My beautiful wife and soulmate.

*Ciel winks at (Y/N) and the audience awws again as (Y/N) blushes brightly*

"Well, this has been lovely but, I'm afraid we are out of time. Is there anything you two would like to say to the audience before we go?" The interviewer asks.

*(Y/N) nods*

(Y/N): Yes, we would. We just wanted to thank you all for your continued support and let you know that we love each and every one of you. You are all amazing people.

Ciel: Yes. Thank you all. Also, be sure to tune into the next part of our life. It should be nothing if not, entertaining.

"Yes. We will. Thanks for coming here today, you two." The interviewer says.

(Y/N): Of course. Anytime.

"And that's our show! Next week, we will interview a parrot who can speak 5 different languages! Bye for now!" The interviewer closes and the audience claps loudly. Then the screen goes black.
     "Damn that little brat! Who the hell does she think she is stealing my spot as the Earl's wife?! Don't worry (Y/N). You haven't seen anything yet!" Elizabeth Midford growls, her hands clenching into fists at her side. "Just you wait! Just you wait! You'll be gone before you can say, 'I wish I never met Ciel Phantomhive.'"


Hey guys! I really hope you liked it! I did the best with what I was given. I'm also sorry that it took this long to finish but, here it is. It's finally done. I can not wait to see you all in The Return of Elizabeth! It should be a lot of fun. See you guys there! Love you all! Bye for now! ~StephaniePost.

Q.O.T.D or (Question of the Day):

"What do you think Elizabeth is planning?"

My Answer:

"If I told you, that would spoil the surprise now, wouldn't it?"

To be continued....

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