Chapter 2: Nightmares:

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Your Pov:

*time skip to a few weeks later*

         Today started out as a normal day. Nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, the whole week, nothing had happened. Everything was normal. It was quite creepy really. Then all of that changed.

          Ciel was out on a mission for the queen with Sebastian so, you and the rest of the servants, were left to guard the manor. Everything was eerily quiet. That is until a loud boom was heard in the kitchen. You roll your eyes. 'Bardroy must be using dynamite as a cooking tool again' you say to yourself.

           Even though you were friends with the maid (Meyrin), the gardener (Finny), the cook (Bardroy), and the steward (Tanaka), you didn't see them very often. In fact, the first time you met them was just before you and Ciel got together as boyfriend and girlfriend. Though, you did say hello to them in passing, that was the only time you got to see them. They were always busy so, you didn't bother them. Well, until today.

           "Bard, please don't tell me you blew up the kitchen again! It's the third time this week and the kids are trying to take a nap" you say to Bardroy as you walk in to the Phantomhive kitchen. There, the 3 servents were covered in ash, as well as the whole kitchen. As usual, Tanaka was no where in sight until you heard a small, "Ho ho ho" behind you as he walks in. "Sorry Lady (Y/N). We promise to be more careful, yes we will" Meyrin replies. You smile sweetly at her and then at Bard and Finny, your eyes finally resting on Tanaka.

          "Tanaka, when do you think Ciel will be home? It's been days since he left to go on that mission" you wined. You missed Ciel. You missed his cuddles and his loving eyes that he only gave to you. You missed his beautiful laugh and smile.

            You missed his amazing scent. You missed they way he comforted you when you felt down. You missed everything about him and you just wanted him back, safe and sound, in your arms. "Soon, my lady. He should be back any day now" Tanaka replied in his 'real Tanaka' form.

            You sigh and say, "I hope so. I don't know how much more of this I can take." Then you leave to try and take a nap in you and Ciel's room. A few minutes later, you wake up from a nightmare only to hear Ciel's voice ring through the house as he enters the front door. "I'm home" he yells through the seeming quiet manor.

         You quickly rush to get ready and run down the stairs, almost running poor Ciel over as you give him a big hug, practically in tears. "It's good to see you too" he replies as he hugs you back and laughs a little, sending shivers down your spine. "I'm so glad your home" you say, in a sobbing mess and he could barely hear you. "It's alright, love. I'm here. Is everything alright"  he asks with worry laced in his tone.

           You nod but, hug him tighter. "Hello Master Ciel. Welcome home" Finny said behind you, the other 3 servents agreeing. "Thanks. I'll be right back. Bard can I talk to you in private" Ciel asks as he pulls a pale and scared looking Bard into the other room.

Ciel's Pov:

         "What is it, Master Ciel" Bard asks worriedly. "It's about (Y/N). Is she ok? She said she was fine but, I can tell she's lying" I respond, looking at Bard for an answer.  "She's fine, young master. It was just hard for her to be here without you for so long" Sebastian said, entering the room and stealing the words right out of Bard's mouth. Bard just nods causing me to sighs and leave in search of (Y/N).

Your Pov:

          "🎵Rock a bye baby on the treetops

when the wind blows the cradle will rock, if

  the bough breaks, the cradle will fall but,

    mama will catch you, cradle and all. 🎵"

           You sang to (S/N) and (D/N) to get them back to sleep and it worked as your beautiful voice echoed through the room. Just as the kids fell asleep to your soothing melody, Ciel enters the room quietly, hearing your soft humming. "That's beautiful (Y/N)" Ciel whispers behind you, making you jump. "Thanks" you whisper back, pointing to the door. He nods and you guys leave the kids room and go out into the hall.

         "What is it Ciel. It looks like something's troubling you" you ask, puting  a hand on his shoulder. "Look. I know things have been hard lately but, I'm here now, ok and I'm not going anywhere" Ciel says sternly but, sweetly as he cresses your check. You nod, your smile only faltering slightly as you hug him. "Thanks" you whisper, knowing he could still hear you. "Anytime love" he responds.

Luke's Pov:

          'It's almost time. The attack at the Phantomhive Manor will happen every soon. Then we will get revenge on (Y/N) and her companions for putting us in jail. I hope your ready for war (Y/N). Be prepared for the fight of your life.'


Hey guys. Here is the next chapter. Hope you liked it. The next one will hopefully  be out soon. See you there. Bye! ~StephaniePost.

Q.O.T.D or (Question of the Day):

"If you could be a villain for a day, who would you be and why?"

My Answer:

         "Finally! A question I can answer. I would be. Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter because I love Harry Potter and I love Draco Malfoy. I feel like he is just misunderstood and had to do what he did because his father forced him to, making Lucius Malfoy the villian, not Draco.

To be continued....

Love and War: A Ciel x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now