Chapter 4: Demons:

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Your Pov:

           After the fight with Ciel, I found myself running again. 'How could this have gone so wrong so quickly?' I ask yourself. 'But, then again, he was the one to hurt you. How could he do that after he promise he wouldn't?!'

         All of a sudden, I felt something being put over my mouth. 'A piece of cloth?' I  was then hit by realization and my eyes widened. I tried to scream but, it was to late and with that. Nothing more was seen from me until.....

(M/N)'s Pov:

          'Where is she? She ran this way, I'm sure of it.' I say to myself as I look for my lady. 'I know she couldn't have gotten too far.' That's when I noticed it.  A piece of cloth but, the cloth smelled like weird, like something was sprayed on it. 'Could lady (Y/N) have been kidnapped?'

          "I must tell Ciel immediately!" I say as I run back inside. When I do, I bump into Sebastian. "Sebastian, I must see Ciel urgently!" I almost scream. "I'm sorry (M/N) but, he won't talk to anyone right now." he replies sadly.

         "Please! It's about lady (Y/N)" I beg and Sebastian thinks for a moment. Eventually, he nods and we head to Ciel's room. "Young master. (M/N) would like to speak with you. It is about lady (Y/N)" Sebastian calls. I enter when he says and enter and to my surprise, he looks terrible, like he has been beating himself up because of this.

         "What is it?" he asks. I immediately feel bad for the broken boy in front of me. "I think my mistress has been kidnapped. I found this on the ground near where she was." I explain as I show him the cloth.

            He nods and inspected the cloth. "Well, there is chloroform on this piece of cloth. So, I think it is highly possible she was kidnapped. My first guess would be Luke as her kidnapper." he says with little to no emotion but, I could see the anger and sadness in his eyes.

         I nod. "Well, how are we going to save her?" I ask. "Leave it up to Sebastian and I. We will get her back safely. I promise." he replies and I didn't doubt that promise as he went to go and get Sebastian.

*~small time skip~*

Ciel's Pov:

          'There she is.' I say to myself as I look threw a big window of the factory that they were holding (Y/N) hostage at. I growl when I see Luke pass by the window. "Don't worry (Y/N), you'll be out of there in no time." I whisper to myself as Sebastian and I prepare to save the love of my life.

Your Pov:

          I have been in here for a while. I'm not sure how long but, I know that I want to get out. They have been treating me like garbage and I don't care if I was mad at Ciel. I would much rather be in his soft, safe arms than in this cold, damp cell. Then footsteps aproch. I start to cry as I think to myself, 'Will I ever get out of here? I just want my family back. Ciel. (S/N). (D/N). Please..... Anyone...... Save me......'

          "Hello (Y/N)." Luke says with a sneer. I just ignore him. "If you don't answer me, you will get punished." Luke continues. Just before I was able to reply, 2 familiar figures crashed in threw the window.

         "Sebastian! This is an order! Save (Y/N)!" one figure said to the other. "Yes my lord." the other figure replied. It's them. Ciel and Sebastian! Luke just glares at them as I wipe my tears and grin happily.

          They came! "Sebastian immediately starts a fight with Luke and Ciel rushes toward me. "I am so sorry (Y/N) for everything." Ciel says sadly. "Don't worry about it love. I have forgiven you a while ago." I reply.

           He smiles lightly and says, "Don't worry, we will get you out of here safely. I promise." I nod and he starts to unlock the jail cell that I was in. When we were free and Luke was unconscious, as well as the other two friends of his who joined in after a while, we escaped the old factory and went back to the Phantomhive Manor.

          Once we arrived, we all had a sigh of relief. Everything was ok again. Sure, Luke and his gang might come after us again but, this time we will be prepared. At the moment Ciel and I were in bed, just laying in each others arms as he caressed my cheek.  After a long day, this is both what we needed. "I love you (Y/N)." Ciel said, out of the blue.

         I just kissed him. That's right. I didn't reply or say anything, I just kissed him. He, of course, kissed back. When we both pulled away, panting and out of breath, I said, "I love you too Ciel. I always will." Before ethier of us could say or do anything more,  we heard a crash from downstairs and a high pitched voice say, "Oh bassy!"


        Hey guys! I am so sorry that this chapter is so late. I have been so busy and so sick lately that it's just rediculous. I promise the next chapter will hopefully not be this late. So, I guess I'll see you guys there. Bye! ~StephaniePost.

Q.O.T.D or (Question of the Day):

"If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be and why?"

My Answer:

"Ciel Phantomhive because he is amazing. Do I need a better reason than that?"

To be continued....

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