Chapter 9: Growing Up:

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(S/N) and (D/N)'s Pov:

     "Happy Birthday!" everyone screams as the twins walk into the room. Their faces light up at the sight. There was cake, balloons, streamers, music, and food. It was an amazing looking party and the kids couldn't wait to dig in. They weren't toddlers any more. They had grown up.

      They saw tears in their mother's eyes at this thought. They would even be starting school next week. They were so excited. "How did my babies grow up so fast?" (Y/N) asks sadly, hugging them tightly. Ciel just giggles on the side. 

     The birthday party went smoothly. No interruptions. No problems. It was as if everything was finally happy and no one could ruin the perfect moment. (A/N: Are you sure about that? I have some ideas. Lol.) Just as the kids were enjoying their cake, (Y/N) and Ciel came over with a huge package.

     "What is that daddy?" They ask in unison. "Open it and find out." Ciel says. When they open it, they gasp in surprise.  Inside the box, was a smaller box! As the keep opening boxes, it gets smaller and smaller. Finally, when the reach they last box, they find 2 beautiful rings. 

This is what they look like:

This is what they look like:

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     (D/N) wipes a few tears as (S/N) tries not to cry. "Thanks mommy! Thanks daddy!" They say, hugging both of you as you two hug back. "Your welcome." Ciel replies. After all the presents have been handed out, the party resumes and everyone has a great time. 

Your Pov:

     As the night draws to a close, you kiss Ciel's cheek, making him smile brightly. "Thank you Ciel for these amazing children." you whisper in his ear. "Anytime love. Anytime." he replies. Hearing this, made you blush and Ciel giggles. 

     That night, the feeling of dread tickled your spine as you lay in bed. "Are you ok baby?" Ciel calls from the bathroom. "Yeah. I'm fine. I just feel like I'm waiting for something that isn't going to happen." you say softly. Ciel frowns and hugs you. 

     Just before you fall asleep, you hear Ciel whisper, "Don't worry love. You're safe in my arms. No matter what happens next."


     Or will she? DUN DUN DUN. Anyway, hey guys! I know it's been taking me awhile to get this chapter out but, it's here! This is the end of Love and War but, don't be sad. There is still two more books in the series and I can't wait to write them for you guys! See you there! Bye! ~StephaniePost.

Q.O.T.D or (Question of the Day):

"What is your favorite chapter so far in this series?"

My Answer:

Probably when you and Ciel got married! So cute!

The End......... for now..........

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