Chapter 7: Gone and Won:

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Your Pov:

"Is it over? Did we win?" I asked. Ciel noded and hugged me tighter. "It's all over. I promise." he replied softly.

Just then Abberline and (Y/M/N) came rushing in. "We heard yelling. What happened?" (Y/M/N) called as Mey-rin, Finny, Baldroy, and Tanka came rushing in as well. "It's all over now. Luke and his pathetic little gang are dead. We won." Ciel stated.

Those words sent relief and happiness flooding through my body. After all that time it's finally over. This time, for good. With that, I hug and kiss Ciel all over. He chuckles lightly and kisses me back. Finally we can start living our life without any more interruptions.

Or at least I hope so.

Your Dad's Pov:

I rush into the Phantomhive Manor seeing everyone there, including a red head that I never met before. Everyone looks at me and (Y/N) says, "I thought you were on vacation dad?" I nod. 'I was but, I came back as soon as I got (Y/M/N)'s telegram. What happened?" I asked, panting because I was out of breath.

"Luke and his gang escaped jail and tried to come after us but, don't worry, we stopped them." Ciel informed me. "They won't be hurting our family anymore." Ciel continues, winking at (Y/N). Just then the twins started to cry.

(Y/N) and Ciel smiled at each other and then headed up to take care of the kids. "Well, see ya later Bassy, I gotta run!" The strange red head yelled and then left in a rush. Then Abberline, the detective, took the remians of Luke and his gang and left as well, as the rest went back to work.

Baldroy in the kitchen, Mey-rin, in the laundry room, Finny in the garden, and Tanka drinking his tea in the library. Now only me and (Y/M/N) were left. "Shall we go meet (S/N) and (D/N)?" (Y/M/N) asked and I nodded, following closely behind as we head to the nursery. Finally, time for things to go back to normal. For now.......


Hey guys! I know it's only been 3 days but, I wanted to give you a suprise chapter after not updating for 3 months. So, SUPRISE!! I hope you all enjoy it and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye! ~StephaniePost.

Q.O.T.D or (Question of the Day):

"What is your favorite character in Black Butler and why?"

My Answer:

"Ciel Phantomhive. Duh. Why? Because he's my bae."

To be continued....

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