Chapter XXVIII

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Sammie insisted that she would help me get ready for my "Date". I am still mad at Sammie for what she did but I could not stay mad at her for long.

Sammie picked out a black tank top with a denim long sleeve button up and navy jeans. Sammie straightened my hair and made sure to hide the bandages around my torso due to the fact that The tank top was tight fitting.

Axel came around 7:00. Sammie shooed me out the door. "Go quickly so I can call Nolan and see if he wants to hang out.

Axel and I decided on going to Barnaby's because it was not that busy at night. I ordered a cheese pizza with pepperoni and olives and Axel ordered the same thing.

We went to the park afterwards because there was a play of some sort going on there. It was are-enactment of Romeo and Juliette which was quite lovely. We hung around and watched the sunset.

"Ambrie, do you ever stop and wonder what life would be like if someone you truely liked was gone." I looked at Axel. "'Sometimes I do to be honest. It is not often. There is this guy I like. He has been there for me for everything.
sometimes I wonder what it would be like without him in my life."

Axel looked back at me. "I have the same with this girl. She is so kind but if anything ever happened to her, I would never forgive myself. She means too much to me and I would never want to loose her. she is the reason I wake up evert morning. Do you sort of get what I am saying?"

I shrugged. "I never actually had a crush on someone before now so I do not really know at this point." He sighed. The sun was barely up now so we decided to head back home.

It was not long before we reached my house. I looked down. "You are welcome to come in if you want. I do not know what the hell Sammie and Nolan are up to but hopefully it is not what I think it is."

Axel laughed with made me smile. 'Nah I am fine. Maybe some other time. Maybe tomorrow?" I gave a small smile. "Yeah why not?" We agreed on it and said goodnight.

I walked into the house and I was greeted to the sight of Sammie and Nolan kissing but Nolan had his top off.

I mumbled to myself. "Fuck. Now I am scarred for life after seeing that. I am going to need soap and water to unsee that." I gagged to myself and ran upstairs and locked my door.

Having nothing else better to do, I decided to text Axel.

Me: I am stuck in my room and Nolan and Sammie are passionately making out downstairs.

Axel: Wow really? I honestly feel so bad for you. Could you get out of the house any way without passing them?

Me: I think so but it might be a long shot.

Axel: If you do get out of your room and away from them, I can come pick you up and we can hang at my place.

Me: I will try my best to escape this monstrosity.

I opened my window and looked down. I grabbed onto the roof of my garage with both hands and hoisted myself onto it. I then grabbed onto the edge and swung down from my garage.

Me: I got out of the house!

Axel: Great! I will be there to pick you up in a few minutes.

Me: Ok

I waited outside on the driveway for 2 minutes until Axel showed up. I got in his car and we went to his place. "Sorry I had to inconvenience you with this Axel." He let out a small laugh. "It is fine. It is not your fault that Sammie and Nolan were making out. Besides, I want to spend more time with you anyways."

I blushed a little and smiled. "I do not mean to be mean to Sammie and Nolan but I think they can get carried away sometimes." Axel laughed. "One time, Nolan stayed at my house because he was completely trashed and he was whispering Sammie's name and kissing a pillow."

Now it was my turn to laugh. "One time, Nolan, Sammie and I were hanging out and working on a project in our junior year and Something was brought up and they started making out in front of me."

We both laughed at how crazy Sammie and Nolan are. We were at his house and we decided to watch the "once" series which we both enjoyed and had in common. At some point around 11:00 I got tired and soon dozed off to sleep.
The next morning when I woke up, I realized i was in my own bed in my own house. "Was that all a dream?" I thought to myself.

Sammie was downstairs seated at the table and had a goofy grin on when I came down. Sammie ran up to me and hurried me to the table.

"Ambrie, you have no idea what happened last night do you?" I shrugged. "I know that you and Nolan were making out very passionately on the couch and probibly brought it up to your room."

Sammie rolled her eyes. "Yes I know you know that but what about after?" I thought for a minute before Sammie blurted out what happened.

"Axel told me that you snuck out the window and you guys hung out a bit more. Around midnight Axel knocked with his foot and had you in his arms. you were sleeping so soundly so he took you up to your room. I watched from the doorway and I heard Axel say and I quote, "goodnight Ambrie, You will never understand how much I love you."

I sat there in shock just looking at Sammie. "No way did he say that. He has a 85% better chance with Brittney than me. I am the worlds biggest geek. Trust me, I know."

Sammie smirked. "I asked him over text what he meant by that and that he would have a better chance with Brittney but he said he only has feelings for you."

I still sat there dumb-founded. Sammie laughed. "Ambrie, This means Axel does like you as more than just a friend."

I lost myself in thought. "Does Axel really like me or is he just saying that?"

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