Chapter XLI

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I grabbed my backpack from my locker and went to the library with my spanish in my hands. Nolan was already there waiting.

"How did you get here so fast Nolan?" He shrugged. "My locker is close to the library." I cleared my throat. "Shall we begin?" He gave a sly smile. "Yes we shall."

I pulled out my spanish notes. "What are you struggling on particularly?" He looked at my notes. "Mostly family and food." I sighed. "Ok so I am going to see how much of family you know."

I put a serious face on. "Ok. So for family the main wones you mostly need to know is Primo, Prima, Hermano, Hermana, Mamá, papá, madre, padre, Perro, and gato. Do you know which one is which?"

Nolan pretended to think for a minute. "Primo is prime, Prima is sister, Hermano is guy cousin, Hermana is girl cousin, Mamá is mom, papá is dad, Madre is grandma, padre, is grandpa, perro is hot dog and gato is mix.

I hit my head with my palm. "You got 2 of the 10 right. Primo is a guy cousin, prima is a girl cousin, Hermano is brother, Hermana is sister, madre is mother, padre is father, Perro is dog, and gato is cat."

Nolan snapped his fingers. "I so thought I got those right." I sighed, "well you did not so that is why I am going to help."

He nodded slowly as I turned the pages of my notes. "The way I remember primo and prima is that my first friend is my cousin and one is prime which all you need to remember is the masculine and feminine version of the words." Nolan nodded as if he understood.
We were studying for the hour and I decided to text Axel that I was done with the tutoring. I was almost out the door when someone pinned me against the wall. I turned around to face the person and saw it was Nolan who had pinned me against the wall.

I still had my phone in my hand and it was still pulled up on Axels contact. I tried escaping but I couldn't. "Nolan, what are you doing?"

Nolan had the charming smile on as I had fear plastered all over my face. I pushed him away and I tried to get into the call app on my phone. Nolan grabbed my arm and pushed me once again against the wall.

I now had a death grip on my phone and I tried pushed the call button finally which dialed Axel's number. Nolan realized Axel was being called and threw my phone on the floor.

"Nolan, Get off of me! Let me go!" Nolan refused. "Darling, all I want to do is be with you." Nolan leaned in towards me as if to kiss me.

I pushed him away as I turned my head. I then felt a sharp pain in my head. I saw Nolan had hit me. I tried to stay calm and not freak out.

"Nolan, let me go! I do not want to be with you!" I then felt as if the wind was knocked out of me because I was breathless. I wanted to double over in pain but Nolan had my arms pinned to the wall.

Nolan went in to kiss me again and I resisted as I turned my head. Nolan punched me again in the face and I felt something slowly going down my face. I saw red soon drip onto the floor as tears streamed down my face.

Next thing I knew, Someone was beating Nolan up on the floor. I fell to the floor in a ball grabbing my stomach as it swelled with pain.

Axel came over to me and pulled me into his embrace. I cried into his shoulder at the pain and how Nolan attacked me. Axel pulled me away from his embrace to examine my cut. "What the hell did that son of a bitch do to you?" I started crying once again.

Axel wiped a tear off of my face. "What exactly happened if you do not mind me asking?"

I said between sobs "I was walking out of the l-library and n-n-Nolan grabbed my arm and p-pinned me to the wall. I-I tried getting away b-b-but he kept pulling me and pushing me against the wall. T-then I refused to kiss h-him and he h-hit me 3 t-t-times."

I kept bawling my eyes out. I could not help it. Even though the family gathering was not till later, I was still scarred and did not want to go home. At the same time, I had to get home or my parents would worry about me.

Axel walked me out to his car and helped me get into the car. I had pretty much recovered from crying but I still could not control myself from crying every once and awhile.

Once we reached my house, Axel walked me up to the door as I walked inside.

Sammie automatically rushed over to me and hugged me. SHe looked at me and res Alize's the cut on my head and the bruises.

"Ambrie! What in the name of cheeses happened to you?!" I started crying as Axel explained it to Sammie.

Sammie had anger and hatred plastered all over her face. "Nolan is gonna get one heck of a beating out of me when he shows up tonight."

Axel left to go home and get homework done before the reunion tonight. Sammie helped me get cleaned up and helped me pick out a new pair of clothes that was not ripped a little and had blood on it.

She picked out a red shirt with a jean jacket and a pair of black leggings. Sammie put a band-aid on my cut and hugged me for a bit as I cried still.

By the time everyone was at the house, all of our friends came up to my room to hang out considering the fact that I did not want to come down.

Nolan was the last to arrive. Brayden let him upstairs and Sammie got up and walked over to him as he entered the room. She had the look of death and kill in her eyes.

She grabbed Nolan by the collar and slammed her knee into where the sun does not shine. "That is for breaking up with me!" She then slapped him across the face. "That is for getting Brittney pregnant and leaving her!" Then she stepped on him in the stomach and kicked him in the ribs. "That is for hurting and sexually harassing Ambrie!"

Nolan was on the floor groaning by the time Sammie was finished. She returned over to me and we continued talking.

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