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The sheriff smiled when he saw his son and the girl he considered his own daughter enter his house. "Dinner is almost ready, I promise."

"Thank you again for letting me stay with you guys tonight, Papa Stilinski. It means a lot to Jemma and me, especially since I know she really needs the hours," Sierra told him and slipped her shoes off by the door. "This case she's working on is almost wrapped up. 

Stiles followed her lead with his sneakers before he grabbed her hand and led her into the kitchen.

"You're always welcome here, you know that," Noah replied. His eyes fell to their hands before he feigned innocence and went back to frying bacon for their burgers. Noah couldn't lie and say he didn't want them to get together. He had been wanting it since Stiles first mentioned and brought her over when they were kids. 

He watched as Stiles and she conversed, Stiles smiling at her soft laughter. They brought out the best in each other, and his wife, Claudia, had always thought the same before she passed.

"Do you need help doing anything?" Sierra asked. "I'll feel bad if I just stand around."

Noah chuckled, "Sierra, you always say that, and I tell you every time you shouldn't feel guilty. You are our guest."

"That doesn't mean I can't set the table," she told him and headed for the cabinet where the plates were kept. "Stiles?"

"Hmm?" The boy snapped out of his trance.

"Can you help me with the glasses? I'm too short to reach them."

Stiles immediately walked over to her, easily reaching up to grab three clear cups with his hands. "You should really stretch, Si," Stiles teased. "Your shortness is becoming a problem."

"Your tallness is a problem already," Sierra retorted as she placed plates around the small rectangular table and went to grab some forks. "Because of it, you're always falling over and tripping on everything."

"But that's what makes me adorable!" He defended himself. 

His dad snorted. "That's a weak argument, son."

Sierra smirked and placed a hand on her hip. "See? I'm not the only one who sees it."

Stiles sighed, and then an idea popped into his head. He shrugged, acting like he was accepting defeat before he snatched her up in his arms. 

Sierra yelped, "Stiles!"

He spun her around twice and then dug his fingers into her side, laughter bubbling from the pit of her stomach. 

"L-Let me go!" She tried to fight him, but he held on to her tightly and continued the tickling. "N-Noah, help me!"

The sheriff chuckled at the two but let them be, choosing to focus on the burgers. "Sorry, Sierra."

Sierra dropped her jaw in disbelief and struggled to get out of Stiles's grip. Finally, she broke free and dashed towards the stairs. "You'll never take me alive!!"

Stiles chased after her with a wide grin on his lips. "We'll see about that!" 

Sierra barged into his bedroom, throwing the door shut behind her and locking it. Her blue eyes swept over everything, and she made a split-second decision on where to hide. She curled her body in the corner of his closet and covered her mouth with her hand. Her ears tuned in to the sound of the main door to his room opening and heard Stiles chuckle. 

"You forgot I live here, string bean."

Sierra bit her lip and looked around the closet quietly for something she could use for self-defense. Her face lit up when she spotted one of his old Nerf guns. She grabbed it, making sure it was loaded with the foam bullets. She listened to him moving around and held her breath as the small light coming from the cracks of the door was covered by his tall, dorky frame.

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