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"I'm not supposed to tell anyone," Lydia informed her friend as she walked quickly down the hall, despite wearing a pair of heels. Stiles and Sierra struggled to keep up with her fast pace and the boy had to frequently readjust his backpack to keep it from falling off of his shoulder.

"Come on, Lyd," Sierra slightly begged. "You know I wouldn't be asking unless it was important, and people who say they can't tell are always dying to."

Stiles chimed in, now on the other side of the feisty strawberry-blonde. "Yeah, you can tell us!"

Lydia furrowed her eyebrows but kept walking. "Why do you want to know?" Sierra sighed; they obviously couldn't tell her why, and that was enough for her to keep her mouth sealed up tighter than Fort Knox.

"But you are telling us that you could tell us something, if you wanted to tell us?" Stiles asked confusingly and had to blink in order to understand himself. Sierra was lost and shot him a weird look as Lydia tilted her head.

"Was that a question?"

"It felt like a question," Stiles answered. "I think."

"Well tell me if this seems like a solution; no."

Stiles and Sierra exchanged frustrated glances; they understood that Lydia felt excluded, but they needed to find out what happened to Jackson's birth parents. It could help them discover who's controlling him and maybe then they could help him. They hurried to keep up with her but unfortunately she was able to slip away when they reached the crowded stairwell. "Lydia wait!" Sierra called out and groaned at the sight of her friend strutting to class, not paying her any attention. She turned to tell Stiles it was useless, but he was being forcefully pinned to the wall by the confident beta, who went by Erica.

Sierra narrowed her blue eyes and marched over to the girl just as she demanded to know why they were questioning Lydia. Derek obviously hadn't yet taught her self-control as her claws were pressed against Stiles' chest, in sight for anyone who happened to walk by. "Sweetie, lose the claws," Sierra sassily told her, her arms crossed over her chest. "The cameras will see." Erica turned her head to see what the dirty-blonde was talking about and followed her gaze to see a white security camera recording all movements near the stairwell. She immediately retracted them and chose to hide her anger by balling her fingers into tight fists. Sierra sent the girl a fake smile; she hadn't forgiven the beta for knocking Stiles unconscious and throwing him into a dumpster. Grabbing Stiles hand, she pulled him away from Erica to stand by her. "Now if you excuse us, we have some business that doesn't involve you, so goodbye."

Sierra turned on her heel and started to walk away until Erica's voice stopped her. "If you're looking for Jackson's real parents, they're about half a mile from here in Beacon Hills cemetery." Now it was time for the werewolf to make a dramatic exit, and even though she didn't want to, Sierra knew Stiles and herself needed to ask Erica more about what she knew.

They caught her in the middle of the hallway, well aware of the arrogant smirk painted across her bright red lips. "Do you know how they died?" Stiles asked, fixing his backpack over his shoulder with his other hand tightly locked in Sierra's.

Erica didn't even look back at them, still holding her head high as they headed down the hall. "Maybe," she replied vaguely, knowing she could use what she knew as an advantage, "if you guys could tell me why you're so interested." Out of nowhere, she stopped midstride while her eyes widened from a realization. "It's him, isn't it?" she asked the pair, referring to Jackson being the kanima.

But Sierra and Stiles were clueless as to what the beta could be talking about. "What? Him, who?"

Erica slowly continued to walk; the wheels in her brain turning as she thought about how it was Jackson, even though he didn't pass the test. Sierra froze when Erica stated her thoughts aloud; if Erica knew, she would tell Derek and if the alpha found out, he would kill him. Out of nowhere, a sharp ache entered Sierra's chest, causing her groan and release Stiles' hand in order to press her hands against it. Concerned, Stiles turned around and widened his eyes at the sight of her hunched over. "Si, what's wrong?" he quickly asked, scared as he saw her wince. He placed his hand on the side of her face, which forced her to look up at him. Sierra couldn't explain what was happening; it felt like her heart was beating too fast to stay in her ribcage and the intensity made the girl act like she was going into shock.

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