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"YOU KNOW I THINK she is getting suspicious," Sierra mumbled under her breath as she and Stiles followed Lydia into the library. It was their job to watch her until the end of the school day, while Scott tried to convince Derek that the strawberry-blonde wasn't the kanima. Allison was busy trying to translate the bestiary with their guidance counselor, Morrell.

Stiles squeezed her hand in assurance. "Don't worry, string bean," he stated, glancing over his shoulder to make sure no one got too close to their friend. "We just have to keep her moving like Scott said."

Sierra nodded and quickened her pace to catch up with Lydia. They left the library and went through the back stairwell to keep themselves out of sight. "Hey, you know how I told you earlier that Stiles and I were going to study?" Sierra asked and Lydia tilted her head.

"Not really," the girl answered, confused, but Sierra shook it off.

"Well we are, and Allison, Scott and Jackson are also coming. You in?"

Lydia would've said yes immediately; this could be her shot to feel happy again. But when that name fell out of Sierra's mouth, her blood ran cold. Why'd they have to invite him? "I don't know," Lydia replied once they reached the bottom of the stairs. "I kind of just want to go home, Sierra."

The dirty-blonde didn't give up as they walked into the hallway, Allison joining the conversation with the lacrosse captain behind her. "Come on, Lyd," Sierra persisted kindly. "It'll be fun; it's at Scott's house."

"If we are having a study group, why not just stay in the library?" Lydia questioned suspiciously. Sierra gulped; if they had stayed in the library, then Isaac and Erica would've gotten to her and the whole plan would've been ruined.

"We're meeting up with someone else," Stiles interjected and a small sigh of relief escaped Sierra's lips. She could always count on him to help her out.

"Why can't they just meet us in the library?"

Sarcasm dripped from Stiles' tongue as he responded. "Oh that would've been a great idea! Too late."

"Wait, hold on-" Lydia stopped walking but was interrupted by her ex-boyfriend, who had been silent until then.

"Lydia, just shut up and walk," he snapped, grabbing her arm and pulling her along. Allison and Sierra looked at each other wearily, but nonetheless followed them. All five of them safely made it out to the parking lot, where they piled into Stiles' jeep.

Stiles drove quickly with Sierra beside him in the passenger seat, while Allison was behind her next to Lydia and Jackson. The strawberry-blonde didn't understand what was going on; everyone seemed so on edge and stayed completely silent until Stiles pulled up beside the McCall household. Letting out a shaky breath, Sierra climbed out of the jeep and Stiles jogged around to stand next to her while the other three got out.

The pair held each other's hand tightly, trying to not let their pure fear show of what could possibly happen tonight. Derek wanted to kill Lydia, with no other proof that she was the kanima than the crystal in chemistry. The worst part was that his betas didn't even seem to care; they were helping him. "If we're studying at Scott's house, shouldn't he be here?" Lydia questioned as they walked up the steps.

"He's meeting us here," Sierra replied from behind her. Once Lydia nodded in understanding, Sierra dropped her voice to a whisper. "I hope." Once inside, Stiles didn't even try to hide his nervousness as he quickly locked and bolted the front door shut. Sierra groaned at his obviousness, especially when the girl they were protecting looked at him weirdly.

"Uh," Stiles racked his brain for an explanation. "There's been a few break-ins around the neighborhood." Everyone stood awkwardly, not really knowing what to do until Stiles also secured a chair under the doorknob.

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