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SIERRA CLOSED HER vibrant blue eyes, smiling widely as the sun's rays engulfed her body with warmth. It was a cloudless day and a little humid, but the dirty-blonde loved where she laid. A huge oak tree stood mighty above her, the bright green leaves dancing along to the light breeze that kissed her hair. A crystal clear lake sparkled ways down the hill, gently crashing along the sandy shore. Her cardigan-covered arms stretched over her head, feeling the grass and earth slip through her fingers as she let out a content sigh. Wherever she was right now, Sierra didn't want to leave. It was perfect; no crazy alphas or werewolf hunters were near and Sierra finally felt at peace. "Sierra," a whisper echoed through the hills filled with colorful wildflowers. She sat up quickly and whipped her head around to see who called her name. "Sierra," it repeated softly and this time, the sophomore raised to her feet, letting her floral sun dress fall around her ankles.

Sierra furrowed her dark eyebrows out of confusion. "Hello?" she replied quietly to the voice.

"Don't be scared, sweetheart," the melodic speaker stated calmly however Sierra swore she heard her heart skip. She knew that voice; only one person in the world would call her that, but it was someone who she hadn't seen in a long time. Slowly, Sierra turned around with tears gathering in her eyes and almost started bawling as she saw a familiar face.

Genevieve Page stood before her daughter wearing a loving smile, clothed in a delicate lavender dress that complimented her dark chestnut hair and ocean blue eyes. "Mom?" Sierra murmured in disbelief. It only took a second before Sierra sprinted through the tall grass, leaping into her mother's arms happily. This was her first time hugging her in years. "Oh my gosh, it's really you," she rushed out excitedly as a tear fell down her cheek out of joy. Genevieve chuckled at her daughter, amused at how cheerful she seemed. "How are you here?"

"You're dreaming, sweetheart," her mother explained and tucked a loose strand of Sierra's hair behind her ear. "But I've come to tell you something."

Sierra lifted her head from where she was laying on her mom's shoulder, puzzled. "Tell me what?"

"You weren't supposed to find out until you were eighteen but Peter scratching you has made your powers come earlier," Genevieve informed but Sierra still didn't understand.

Shaking her head, she disagreed. "What are you talking about? I don't have powers or abilities; I'm human."

Her mother pursed her lips and gave a small smile. "There was a chance you could've been, but I've been looking out for you, dear. I've seen the dreams you've had, the strong emotions you've've never been human, Sierra."

Sierra couldn't believe her ears. "W-what are you talking about?" she slightly asked in a stutter, feeling her fingers starting to shake from the shocking news. "W-what am I?"

Instead of answering, Genevieve simply kept her bright smile on her face and brought her hand up to Sierra's cheek. "You've grown up so beautifully; you and Jemma both have and I am so proud of you, dear. You are so strong, independent and loyal...Scott is going to need you okay? Don't ever forget how special your friendship is to that boy, understand?" Sierra nodded her head rapidly, tears rolling down her face. Genevieve then got a certain sparkle in her eyes as she continued. "Sweetheart, your connection with Stiles is so unbreakable that I need you to realize how much you two mean to each other. Ever since you were kids, he's always been there for you and treats you with the respect and love you deserve." Before Sierra could say anything, her mother gently kissed her on the forehead. "We'll talk more, I promise, but right now, I need you to wake up."

"No," Sierra protested and clung to her hand tightly. "I can't lose you again, Mom. I need you."

Genevieve smiled softly, "You've never lost me, Sierra. I've always been here with you and now, it's time for you to wake up and be with your friends."

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