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SIERRA CLOSED HER BLUE EYES as she walked slowly beside Scott, with Matt behind them. She couldn't allow herself to get too emotional, otherwise who knows what would happen. However, it was proving to be a difficult task. Matt had already paralyzed Stiles and Derek, dug a gun into her spine and threatened to kill her, Noah, and Scott. She felt completely drained mentally but she couldn't show weakness, especially since Melissa just walked into the police station- oblivious to the whole situation.

"Mom," Scott called out to her softly once they saw her dressed in flowered scrubs. She took a few steps to her left, not even noticing Matt yet.

"You scared me," Melissa said, relieved she finally found someone. "Where is everyone?" Her body stiffened as she locked gazes with Matt, who was now pointing his weapon at Scott's head.

But Scott didn't show fear and said her name again so she would focus on him, not the gun. The woman's brown eyes glanced towards Sierra, who remained perfectly still because she couldn't see where her classmate was. "Do what he says," Scott told her calmly. "He promised he wouldn't hurt you."

As Scott turned to face him, Matt nodded. "He's right," he agreed, slightly lowering his gun. A shot rang out across the police station, which caused Melissa to scream loudly out of fear. From the sudden noise, Sierra had closed her eyes but then quickly re-opened them to reveal Scott falling against the wall, blood gushing from his side and staining his green shirt. Melissa's hands were over her mouth in shock but no one said anything as the sheriff yelled their names, scared someone he cared about was now dead.

Scott held himself up with one hand on the wooden bench next to him, as he lifted his head to stare into Matt's murderous eyes. Sierra knew he would heal, but that didn't stop her from crying. She just wanted this all to be over.

Matt took a step forward and smirked at the beta, "But I didn't say I wouldn't hurt you."

Sierra couldn't tear her gaze away from Scott as he gasped to breathe, feeling her emotions go haywire. A small cry erupted from her lips as she physically felt the skin on her right side rip open, creating blood stains that mimicked Scott's. However, she hadn't heard another gunshot. Was she just too focused on her friend that she didn't notice? She stumbled, feeling a wave of dizziness hit her.

As her head hit the wall, she saw through her blinking eyes that Matt was yelling at Melissa to back up, the gun pointed straight at the nurse. She struggled to focus on what was happening, but felt her eyelids droop as sweat dotted her forehead.

Sierra felt pressure against her sudden wound as Scott pressed his fingers against his, while simultaneously trying to convince his mother to get back. Matt's face was red with rage; his teeth grinded against each other while his brows narrowed into a glare directed towards Melissa. Did she not understand that she would be the next victim if she didn't get back? "Get up, McCall," he ordered angrily and that was when the werewolf noticed his best friend.

"Sierra?" Scott whispered in confusion, his mind trying to fit all of the pieces into the puzzle.

At the rave, Sierra had passed out when he did- even though she was over a hundred feet away and out of sight from him. Then, when Stiles was getting choked by Matt, Sierra was losing control of her own breathing. And ever since Lydia got bitten, she'd experience the same phenomenon that the strawberry-blonde did. It was like she was connected to them and every time they were hurt, she'd end up hurt too.

His brown eyes widened at his realization while Matt yelled at the sheriff, waving the gun around. "Sierra," Scott repeated firmly, trying to grab his friend's attention.

The girl's face was twisted from the unbearable pain; she couldn't get the bleeding to stop and her breaths were becoming rapid as her anxiety began to take over. "Sierra!" she heard Scott yell as her head slightly drooped towards her shoulder. Her blue eyes opened, everything blurred from her tears. She was able to make out Scott and focused solely on him so her vision would clear. "You have to make yourself heal," Scott stated loudly but flinched as Matt shouted at him to shut up. "You're fine, okay? I'm fine," he continued, trying to not let Matt stop him from helping her. "The only way you are going to make it is if you concentrate; make your body heal."

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